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Naomi walked into the dining room where all the Akatsuki members were sitting at the table, slouching, with empty stomachs.

"Aw, what took you so long?" Kisame asked.

Naomi gestured her head to Hana's room door that suddenly burst open and a happy Hana came skipping out.

Hana stopped to greet everyone good morning in front of the dining table. "Good moooooorni- Hey! Why are you all glaring at me like that?"

No one was actually glaring at Hana. They just look ugly all the time.

"Also," Hana dragged on. "You guys look so tired for some reason. Pein looks like he has big round piercings under his eyes!" Pein glared at Hana. "Mm... actually, all of you look like you have those stupid piercings on." Hana started laughing like a donkey after that not-funny and rude joke she just made.

Then Pein slowly raised his hands, giving everyone a warning of what would happen next. Hana ignored it and kept being a donkey. She kind of looked like one too.


"Don't do it."

"Huh?" Pein looked over to Naomi.

"I said don't do it. Eat your breakfast first. Then you'll have enough energy," Naomi explained. "So after you eat, you may throw Hana across the world. But eat first. And if you damage anything, you have to fix it or I'll have to kick you out. That's a new rule in the house."

Pein rolled his eyes. Naomi could get bossy sometimes. But she was always reasonable so refusing to follow her without having to make stupid excuses was impossible. Since she was already hard to talk to, not following her rules had serious consequences. Well, maybe they weren't serious, but her lectures were definitely boring.

"B, why are you writing this from Hana's Perspective in third person?" N asked.

"No, I'm not. Naomi is a boring person that gives boring lectures."

"Yeah, but you sound like Hana."

"Duh. I CREATED her."

"Yes. Only you would create someone as dumb and annoying as Hana," N stated.

"See, even N agrees that Hana's annoying!" Hidan pointed out proudly.

"Yes, but you're more annoying. Now I'm going to leave."

"Yeah, you suck, Hidan." B stuck out her tongue and started spitting.

"Ew. Get out."

"This is my house."

"It's actually split in half for me and you."

"I don't understand why we have to split. I thought we were friends."

"I don't understand why we still live together."

"Hey, that's mean! Also because you're super-broke and can't afford a house."

"Hey, that was ONE time. And in monopoly, too. And I was, and still am, richer than you."

"Liar. You landed on the boardwalk and I owned a hotel there. You REFUSED to pay me."

"No, I landed on Luxury Tax and paid it. Then you demanded me to pay your boardwalk for placing 1/100th of my token there." N clarified.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Also, you decided to give me Parker Place if that's what you're talking about."

"It's Park Place."


"Yes. -_-"

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