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"Again!" Obito shouted.

Naomi sighed. "Suiton: Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu!" she repeated, creating 50 water clones at Obito, which he sucked into his Kamui.

"You haven't improved," he stated bluntly. Naomi grew an irk mark. "And you're pouring too much chakra in each clone. That wastes your chakra."

"Shouldn't Kisame or Kakuzu be teaching me? Water isn't your strongest affinity," Naomi pointed out.

"Yes, but they're our best taijutsu users, so they're helping Hana out," Obito explained. "Hidan's also there so Hana's motivated."

"Motivated how?"

"Motivated to kick him in the face."

Naomi sweatdropped. She knew something like this would come up. Then she jumped when the door burst open.

"Help! Naomi! Kisame says Hidan is too hurt so I can't kick him anymore. Heal him so I can kick him more!" Hana yelled.

"He's immortal. You can keep kicking hi-" Obito started, before being slapped in the back of the head by Naomi.

"I'll heal him," she answered.

"Um, you're strangling him, Naomi," Hana pointed out.

"Augh- ahh..." Hidan struggled to yelp while Naomi wrapped her arm around his neck.

Naomi looked at Hidan for a moment. "He'll be fine," she assured everyone and let him go.

Hana looked at Naomi, puzzled. "Huh?"

"You can kick him more. He'll be okay."

Hana blinked twice with her mouth open and thought. "Oh... hmm..." She stood there for a minute, processing what just happened. "OH! Yay! Lemme kick you, Hidan!"

"No!!!" Hidan screamed at the top of his lungs and ran off.

"Hey!" Hana called behind him and chased after him. Everyone just stared at the two run around in circles with a poker face planted on them.

"Well," Naomi said, breaking the silence (other than Hidan's screaming and Hana's disturbing cackling). "How is Hana doing with Taijutsu?"

"Horrible," Kakuzu grumbled.

"She's doing... okay? She's very agile, but she can barely kick," Kisame responded.

"Except when it comes to kicking Hidan!" Kakuzu blurted, suddenly seeming very excited.

"Alright, you can continue the training. Also, to help motivate her more, please get her to hate you," Naomi advised.

"Yeah! Wait- what?" Kakuzu stopped himself. Naomi nodded at him with a small smile in her eyes. "Hey!" He grunted and looked in the other direction.

"Ha!" Kisame let out loudly and then covered his mouth, realizing what he did but still smirked. Kakuzu glared at him. Kisame's pupils rolled over to the other direction but he was still not done snickering.

Kakuzu looked the other direction from Kisame and crossed his arms, pretending to be super angry at Kisame.

Naomi sighed. "Anything else?"

Kakuzu stopped being stupid and looked back at Naomi. "Yes," he said. "Hana just told us that green is good for Taijutsu and is planning to turn some things green."

Naomi raised an eyebrow slightly. "Yes, it's true. Some of the best Taijutsu users got their title from wearing green jumpsuits. I hope Hana doesn't wear those."

"She won't."


Naomi looked annoyingly at the ceiling for a moment and then returned to the conversation. "What exactly is she turning green?"

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