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Hana walked back to the table after washing her dishes, bouncing up and down excitedly like she was on a nonstop trampoline. She smiled widely at everyone, not saying anything.

Naomi looked from her book and sighed. "Yes, Hana?"

"Wellllllll," Hana started. Everyone groaned, knowing she was going to start babbling annoyingly and nothing would be able to stop her other than her. "Do you know what I did yesterday?"

"Dye my hair pink," Itachi scowled.

Hana's eyes suddenly widened, remembering that she did that. "Um... hehe... NO! Not that! I did something else."

"Dye your teeth green," Naomi guessed with no enthusiasm in her voice.

Hana made a buzzer noise. "No! I... drumroll please!"


"I bought green apple tree seeds so we can make our whole backyard green!" Hana waved the bag of seeds around and stood there, waiting for applause. Crickets. Again.

"Can someone do something with the crickets? I couldn't sleep," Sasori complained.

"N, he just called us crickets."

"Now I'm going to go outside to plant them," Hana insisted and walked away.

"I don't think Hana knows how to plant properly..." Pein mumbled. Everyone else nodded in agreement. They turned around to see Hana prancing around in the garden, spraying the hose everywhere. They all sighed and sweatdropped.

Suddenly, Hana stopped and her face turned white. From the Akatsuki's perspective, they could only see Hana. "Naomiiiiiiiiiiii!!!" Hana screeched.

"What, you got a worm in your hair?" Naomi sighed and walked over to see what happened.

"Triple X is in our yard!!!"

Naomi looked out, making contact with Triple X. She had a confused expression on her face that disappeared when she saw Naomi. "This was what Hitoshi was saying," Naomi thought.

"Fight me!" Triple X challenged, a confident smile on her face. Naomi yawned and turned her back towards Triple X.

Hana frowned. "Just do it Naomi! You'd win anyways!"

Naomi sighed. "Okay, fine." She knew she would win anyways. "But if you want destruction, I'm not going to give you permission to fight in my backyard."

"Yeah! No ruining my garden!" Hana agreed. "I'm going to plant green apples!" She shoved the bag in Triple X's face.

Triple X's face scrunched up. "Fine." She stood there, being ugly. "To the beach!" She pointed her finger to the sky like Hamilton, even though she looked more like a blobfish with false eyelashes that were ten feet long.

"Wait, you mean the beach with mountains of trash?" Hana asked. "Ew."

"It got cleaned up a while ago," Naomi informed.

"Well I don't know because I haven't been there since I was ten!"

"What are you guys standing there for? Stop wasting time and let's go already!" Triple X demanded, dragging a determined Hana and reluctant Naomi along with her.


"Alright. I'll be the referee. Are you both ready?" Hana announced. They both nodded.

"Poison chains!" Triple X shouted, spitting out three chains coated in poison, attempting to capture Naomi.

"Note the 'attempted' part."

"Hey! No interfering!" Hana complained.

Naomi swiftly dodged. She activated her sensei's quirk, Erase. She ran towards Triple X and kicked her in the jaw, before landing over her body.

"Whoo-hoo, Naomi! Good job!" Hana cheered, drawing attention to herself, distracting both of them.

"Snake chains!" Triple X shouted, taking advantage of the situation. Her chains vomited out of her mouth and wrapped around Naomi's right arm, holding her down. Naomi used her classmate Kirishima's quirk to slice the chain in half, before jumping back and discarding the excess chain that was still around her arm.

Naomi took a deep breath, now switching to another one of her former classmate's quirks. She stepped down and caused a trail of ice leading to Triple X, capturing her and immobilizing her.

"Ugh... I'm not going to give up yet!" Triple X yelled.

Naomi's hand grew a small yet fierce flame, threatening Triple X. She gulped and immediately shut up.

"Fine, I surrender. For now."

"Yahoo! I declare Naomi as the winner! Not that Triple X had a chance anyway," Hana declared.

"Hey, what's going on here?" They all turned around to see who asked the question. It was one they all recognised.

In fact, so did most of Japan.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. Will have more next time.

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