The Parkers

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They had gotten back the night before, everyone had been completely exhausted. Bruce never came back, making Natasha really sad. Clint changed into normal clothes, got his injuries looked at and began his journey back to his family. And everyone else, minus Tony and Lexie who went back to the Tower, went to the new Avengers Facility in Upstate New York.

Tony was now traveling up there and had offered to bring Lexie as well, but she decided against it, wanting to surprise her girlfriend instead.

The last time they talked was at Clints farm, besides a small text Lexie sent her before she left for Sokovia. She had tried calling, but Erin was at work, so she had to tell her she was going into yet another life-threatening battle by text instead.

Simple to say, judging by the texts she had seen when she opened her phone that morning, Erin wasn't pleased.

Lexie probably should've texted her the second she got back, but her phone was dead and she was ready to drop from exhaustion. Also, some of Tonys dramatic traits had rubbed off on her, so she had decided that showing up on the girls doorstep was the best idea.

Which led her to where she was currently stood outside the Parkers apartment in Queens. They had originally planned for her to meet them that Saturday, but she figured that, given what had gone down the past few days, stopping by to meet them a few days earlier wouldn't hurt.

She had to admit, she was quite nervous to meet them, and considered just turning around and head back to the safety of the Tower. But this was for Erin. Her wonderful girlfriend who she had let suffer enough considering the number of times she'd put her life in danger these past few days had gone up quite a bit.

She also dreaded seeing Erin because of the three words she'd let slip when they last talked on the phone.

'I love you'

Yeah, that wasn't her best moment. She didn't particularly regret it, per say. But she definitely would have wanted to say it in person the first time. Preferably also having Erin say it back.

She realized she'd been standing still outside their door for an awkward amount of minutes and took a deep breath, raising her fist and knocking on the door.

A few seconds later, a teenage boy, who she figured was fourteen years old Peter, opened the door. When he saw who it was, his eyes shot open, and he was stood staring, not moving an inch.

Lexie didn't really know what she was expecting when she met Erins geeky baby brother, but this wasn't quite it. She didn't know what to do to make him un-freeze.

"Hi," she said, trying to give a kind smile, feeling a bit uncomfortable under his unwavering stare.

"Hi," he gulped, blinking a bit to shake himself out of it. "Hi!" he said again, more forcefully, a grin spreading on his face. "You're Lexie."

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