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As soon as they got back to the Avengers Facility, Lexie left the others and began driving home.

Reaching the city, she saw the streets mostly empty. Cars were crashed from when the drivers had disappeared, alarms were blaring, small fires were being put out by a few available firefighters, and the people who were roaming the streets, were trying to find their loved ones.

Loved ones that Lexie knew they most likely wouldn't find.

She could relate to them.

So many of her friends were gone, they weren't able to reach Tony or Peter in space to know if they had, so to speak, bit the dust... She didn't even know if Erin was gone.

Just like the people on the streets, her panic wouldn't fade until she had answers. Said feeling would then be replaced with immense relief, or uncomparable hopelessness and defeat.

Trying not to assume the worst, she arrived at the apartment building, and got into the elevator, cursing it for not going faster.

As soon as the doors opened, she sprinted through the hallway, passing another young woman rushing in the other direction, probably on a similar mission as Lexie, and came to an abrupt halt when she reached the door to the apartment.

She stood staring at it for a few seconds, her body simply unable to move and keep going, terrified of what could be waiting on the other side. She'd already lost so many people, possibly even the only father she'd known since her own died when she was so young, in one clean sweep. She didn't think she could handle losing the love of her life as well. Especially not when she herself was part of the reason why.

They had failed, and now the whole world was paying the consequences.

She finally convinced her arm to move unlocked the door, pushing it open and immediately being met with silence.

There was no soft noice from Evie coming to greet her, or music playing from Erins phone like it usually did when they were home. What made her hesitate in completely having a breakdown was all the lights in the apartment being off. There were no visible signs of Erin having suddenly disappeared.

Still, she walked through the entire apartment, looking for any hints of her girlfriend or cat having turned to dust, but there were none. The apartment was empty, yes, but nothing tragic seemed to have happened.

In the kitchen, she found a note on the table:

Hi Lex,

Since I don't know how long you'll be, Evie and I are staying with aunt May 'till you get back.

Call me to let me know you're okay and that you're not too injured, but if you are, I'm sure Tony's already forced you to see a doctor before coming home :)

Come over to the apartment with Peter and we'll eat cookies, the two of you have definitely earned it.

I love you and I'll see you in a bit.

- Erin xx

The note was sweet and it'd usually make her feel all warm inside, but she had called - many, many times - and received no answer. She felt sick even thinking about Erin having actually disappeared, but if she'd been waiting for a call?

Erin never really went anywhere without her phone, especially if Lexie was away fighting.

As much as she hated to admit it, she was running out of arguments for Erin being perfectly fine and currently having a nice cup of coffee with Aunt May while watching a romcom.


As quickly as possible, she reached Mays apartment and ran to the door. She didn't bother knocking and simply let herself in, being met with another empty apartment.

But while her and Erins apartment had been intentionally left vacant of people, this one was not.

The lights were on, Mays phone was being charged in the corner, blankets and pillows were lain out on the couch, with two cups of cold coffee and a bowl of chips standing on the table, and on the kitchen counter, a tray of cookies had bee left for cooling.

This looked just like a normal family night at May and Peters place.

Except there was not a single person there.

Looking at the vacant apartment, Lexie felt like a cold hand had seized her lungs and she'd lost the ability to breath. There was a loud buzzing in her ears as she stumbled through the apartment, throwing open the door to each room, just to make sure, even though she knew how slim the chances of her finding anyone were.

When she'd checked every room, she was gasping for air and sunk to the ground, leaning against the wall. She let out a small sob of utter defeat and hung her head, but immediately froze when she heard a small 'meow' from beside her. When she looked up quickly enough to give someone whiplash, she saw Evie standing there.

Apparently, in her state of panic while looking for the people she loved, she'd forgotten about the cat. She hadn't noticed Evie trailing behind her the entire time.

When she realized she had Lexies attention, Evie made another sound and kneaded her head against Lexies arm.

"Evie," Lexie began sobbing properly and pulled the poor, very confused, cat into her arms, cradling her tightly against her chest. "At least you're still here." She kissed and scratched her head, only receiving another 'meow' in return, and the two continued sitting there in the hallway of the empty apartment.


I'm sorry.

This was painful to write. The reason I had Evie stay was literally just so Lexie wouldn't be completely alone. It was my plan from the beginning to have Erin disappear.

Hope you liked the chapter, remember to vote and comment xx

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