Moving On

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Natasha and Lexie were walking through the mainly empty Compound on their way to a meeting with some of the other Avengers.

After the Blip, Natasha had been the one who'd kept the Avengers up and running. Whenever she could, Lexie tried to help out in any way she could and relieve her friend of some of the pressure.

"So, how are you holding up?" Natasha asked the younger woman who'd mostly been silent since arriving.

"I'm doing alright, I guess," she shrugged. "It's hard, of course, but what else can I be, you know? It's been five years."

"Nobody's expecting you to be perfectly fine. None of us are. We're just trying to make the best of the circumstances."

"I know. And I'm luckier than some, I know that. We still have each other. Not everyone got lucky enough to still have loved ones around them."

"Yeah," Natasha sighed. They'd both seen the people who had lost everyone in a matter of seconds and completely given up, understandably so.

"I feel like I almost don't have the right to complain. Everyone's lost people. But whenever I'm at the apartment, I always just feel so lonely. A part of me still expects to see Erins face when I wake up, and when I realize she's not there, and never will be, it hurts so much."

"Have you ever thought about going out on a date?" Natasha asked carefully.

"Nat," she sighed.

"I know, I know... I just think it could be good for you to meet someone. I'm not telling you to replace Erin, no one can replace her, but don't you deserve to be happy? Have someone who's there?.. It's been five years. I think Erin would want you to be happy."

"I don't know, Nat... I know Erin would probably encourage me getting out there, but I just don't know if I can do it. I've never seen anyone but Erin in a romantic way, and I kinda don't want to. It just feels wrong. Like I'd be betraying her."

"I get it," Natasha took Lexies hand in hers. "I just don't want you to be alone for the rest of your life."

"I have you, don't I?" Lexie grinned slightly. "What else could I possibly need." The two chuckled, before Lexie looked at her with gentle eyes. "Thank you, though. For always being there and caring."

"Of course," she squeezed her hand. "You're my favorite person in the whole world. I'll always be here."

"Wow," she nodded while raising her eyebrows and smiling slightly, "that's quite an honor... But seriously, thank you."

"You're welcome. Now come on. The meeting starts soon."

"Can we have some food, too? I'm starved."


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