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So school's starting again. I honestly forgot the day but anyway I guess this will be the intro and the schedule of when I'll update

Ok so an hour later, I thought I had it planned out but I'm a bad and good student, I was thinking I'd update every Saturday or Sunday but with how my brain works I'll probably update anytime which also means it'll be during the week

I'd like to update only on weekends but that's not me either. I'll probably (99%) post the chapters during the week and weekends.

I'm gonna be honest I wanted to start another story because this one just popped in my mind on: (the exact day, time and year) Monday, August 2, 2021 at 9:27 PM

Anywho enjoy this random story I had while laying in my bed in my dark af room, bye bye

One wrong message
A Taegyu ff
Side ship Yeonbin (obviously🙄)

How can one wrong message change everything?

Soobin hyung likes you

Both boys looked at their phone confused
'It's Yeonjun hyung right?'

"Soobin hyung likes me or.."

'Please don't tell me'

"It's the wrong number!?"

One wrong message (Taegyu)Where stories live. Discover now