Won (pt2)

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Beomgyu walked through the halls hiding his excitement, which wasn't hard. He walked through the door and spotted his friend, excited to tell him what he's been thinking since last night.

He sat next to Yeonjun who's writing down notes from Hueningkai's "I have the perfect plan to make Taehyun and Habin break up" Beomgyu giggled out.

The older didn't stop writing but was curious even though he assumes it's something not good "What is it?" he put down his pencil and looked at the boy "You have to tell Soobin hyung to tell Taehyun that Habin and I are going to fight and it's because he wanted to make a bet involving him with me but I didn't want so he told me to meet up at the football field to trick me into fighting him"

Yeonjun slowly nodded processing the information "So Soobin's gonna tell him you said all that?" he asked with a small teasing smile. Beomgyu shook his head understanding the tease but not bothered by it "No he's going to say he overheard some girls saying that" the older male's mouth turned into an 'o' then changed at the question that popped up in his mind "Don't you think he'll ask Habin if it's true?"

Beomgyu smiled proudly "Once Habin throws the first punch for Taehyun's point of view he won't ask for any explanation" he picked up Yeonjun's pencil and began to tap it on the desk "How are going to get him to throw the first punch?" the other asked a little confused. "Leave it to me" Beomgyu said with a smirk.

Yeonjun nodded closing his book and went to the door to greet his, friend? Well Soobin, go tell him about Beomgyu's plan.

Beomgyu took out his phone debating if he should text Taehyun about him apologizing. He sighed as he put shoved his device in his hoodie pocket.

Knowing Taehyun was worried of people calling him harsh words made his heart flutter, he can admit to himself that he likes the boy. But he can't admit it to anyone.

"So I have to tell Taehyun that Beomgyu and Habin are to fight in the football field because of a bet and Beomgyu didn't want to so Habin set him up in the field to beat up him?" Soobin asked still not sure why he has to be the one to do it. Yeonjun nodded "Yes plus it's to making Habin and Taehyun officially break up, so you won't see him around anymore" the older smiled when he added the last sentence knowing Soobin doesn't like Habin.

The purple haired male made a thinking face then chuckled "Okay I'll do it but if only I get to tell Huening so he can help trash talk him when I tell Taehyun about the fight" Yeonjun was surprised but agreed without hesitation.

Both males shared a smile before they went different ways in the classroom: Yeonjun went to Beomgyu, Soobin to Hueningkai to talk. The teacher clapped his hands telling everyone to sit down as he took out a folder to check the lesson for today.

Yeonjun passed Hueningkai his notebook and nudged "He's gonna do it after school so he'll be on time, and Huening will be in it to trash talk Habin to Taehyun" he whispered to Beomgyu who was beaming from ear to ear hearing the news "Good then they'll break up after school"

Hueningkai rummaged through his backpack for another lollipop, in the corner of his eye he saw Taehyun looking towards the lockers like he's waiting for something. Then he remembered "So you haven't gotten any note today?" he asked as he took out his candy bag Taehyun shrugged walking away.

Hueningkai chuckled swinging his arm around Taehyun's neck "I'm joking I'm sure your hyung will send a message instead" at that moment Taehyun's phone dinged "You're a wizard" the boy mumbled. Hueningkai laughed as he opened his fourth lollipop of the day.

B hyung💘
How does it feel like to be the most gorgeous boy in the room?

I'm in a hallway
With no one around

B hyung💘
Still makes sense

But no I'm not gorgeous right now

B hyung💘
No makeup?
You still look better without it

Yes but homework too

B hyung💘
A cute nerd

And you also owe me a second note

B hyung💘
If I had a nickel for every time I saw someone as gorgeous as you, I'd still only have five cents
Bye Dino

Hueningkai covered his ears when Taehyun squealed "You're so annoying when it comes to him" he commented, Taehyun stuck out his tongue "You're just jealous someone doesn't send you cute notes"

"And you have a boyfriend"

The red head ignored him and continued to reread his messages with his favorite hyung.

Hueningkai circled Taehyun while they waited for Soobin. Not even five seconds later, the younger saw the tall male walking to them. They both did a head nod to signal they're doing the plan now. Taehyun turned off his phone when he noticed Hueningkai put his arm around his neck again.

"I just heard that Habin set up Beomgyu to go to the football field so he can beat him up"

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