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An average day of boring class started and Beomgyu never felt so relieved in texting someone almost after two days.

The smile is back and everything is perfect, who knew not texting someone very important *cough cough* a lover, would be torture. How would Beomgyu know if he hasn't felt that little feeling?

As soon as the teacher finished saying what they should be doing on their computers he took out his phone, already having the message he'll be sending in mind.

B hyung💘
I always keep my promises Dino

You never told me why you call me that

B hyung💘
The day you asked about me being friends with Yeonjun hyung I said you're gonna be a dinosaur running down the halls to find me

Ok makes a little sense

B hyung💘
Your next note will come in a sec
Don't go to your locker yet

I'm with Huening and he has me tied up so I can't move

B hyung💘
Does he really?

He'll be the one tied up

B hyung💘
Ok kinky

Stfu you're dirty minded

B hyung💘
I'm weird💩

You're weird in general

B hyung💘
Ok anyway your note will be there once you're untied

What does it say?

B hyung💘
You have to see yourself

This morning was you look cute
And the this one will be two?

B hyung💘
What do you just say
I literally have no idea what you meant by that

First sentence I said what the first note said and the second why make it two notes
Why two?

B hyung💘
For two days we didn't talk and a little birdie told me you were worried about me so I'm making it up to you

Ok whoever that bird is I'm gonna kill them for embarrassing me but I'm ok with two cute notes

B hyung💘
Perfect then text me when you read this one

I'm getting impatient

B hyung💘
Deal with it😚


Two more minutes until class is over and he can read B hyung's note, two more, the clock changed to 29, one more minute "You look like you're ready to run out of class to hunt someone" Hueningkai commented making Taehyun glare at him "Shut up I need to leave the moment it changes to thirty" before Hueningkai could ask why the bell rang and Taehyun grabbed his hand, pulling him through the crowd of students. To the lockers!

The red head happily opened his locker and found another note, he smiled as he unfolded it "I miss you baby we'll hang out soon, Habin" Hueningkai started wheezing from the boy's reaction "Don't tell me Beo-B hyung forgot to put your note in there" Taehyun crumpled the note and threw it in his locker, oblivious at Hueningkai's words "He told me he was going to leave one in there" the sadness was noticeable in his voice.

The younger felt bad, he knows Beomgyu definitely didn't do it on purpose "Something probably came and he forget to tell you he didn't leave the note"

Yeonjun continued to walk ahead of Beomgyu showing him his still upset that he didn't leave the note. No it didn't matter that Taehyun's boyfriend was there writing a note for him, he should've just put it in after. But no Beomgyu being the coward he is when it comes to Taehyun, shoved the piece of paper in his pocket and continued to walk down the hall to the bathroom.

The younger boy kept his eyes on the floor not paying attention to anything around him. Not caring if bumped into anyone, he'll apologize but he just wants to bang his head on the wall if could.

As he made a turn to the left, watching Yeonjun still far away he sighed. Taking his time in, he didn't hear his name being called by a familiar yet unfamiliar voice. He got pulled back, looking back at who's fingers are wrapped around his wrist.

To his surprise he found Habin standing there with a small smile "I challenge you to try to win my boyfriend, Taehyun" was what he said.

Beomgyu caught off guard, harshly pulled his hand out of the other's grasp, Taehyun. "But aren't you dating him?" Habin chuckled giving off the vibe that he could care less about the boy.

"Doesn't mean I can't challenge someone to try to win my boyfriend" the slight older tensed at the word boyfriend, but he felt his blood boy at his thoughts. Habin doesn't give a shit about Taehyun.

The shorter clapped his hands "I can tell you like him, I'm willing to let you try to make him like you" Beomgyu looked at Yeonjun who's behind Habin when he notice he wasn't behind him, worried that Taehyun will find out about him being B hyung. "It'll be between us so don't think I'm going to tell Taehyun" Habin reassured while extending his hand to seal the challenge.

The black haired male opened his mouth to decline but then he remembered if Taehyun does end up liking him he'll leave Habin and be with him.

"I accept the challenge"

Habin smiled and nodded "You have this week" he then walked away leaving Beomgyu regretting what he agreed to.

"He challenged me to win Taehyun" Beomgyu said when he walked to Yeonjun, he started hyperventilating. The older patted his back, obviously freaking out "Beom, Beom hey calm down it'll be okay"

"It's not okay, Taehyun will hate me once he finds out" Beomgyu started pacing around while mumbling to himself. The other male leaned on the wall shaking his head and looked left and right to see if anyone's coming to tell Beomgyu to stop so he won't crash with them.

Yeonjun gasped and jumped "I got it!" the boy stopped his tracks and turned to his friend "You'll accept the challenge and keep sending those cringe notes to him" the black haired suggested. Beomgyu groaned shaking his head "Do you know how fucking cringe I have to get to pull those out of my ass?"

Yeonjun shrugged "It's either that and texting him hourly which is already happening or losing him to someone who clearly doesn't love him" he walked behind Beomgyu adding "And who knows maybe they'll get married and Taehyun ends up getting cheated but he stays with him because he loves him a lot. That'll be bad huh?" the older whispered in his ear.

Beomgyu stood up straight "I'm gonna make him love me" he said confidently and then ran down the hall.

Yeonjun deadpanned "You better succeed"

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