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The blond happily walked through the halls as he was greeted by many students, he opened his locker and giggled at the love letters he receives. It feels new and nice, being adored by many.

Yeonjun frowned "So now that he's getting love he's ignoring you? Like what the fuck you helped him and now he pays you back by acting like you don't exist, wow amazing boyfriend" the older's annoyed tone is very noticeable, plus rolling his eyes, many can assume he's upset. Beomgyu sighed "He's always cared about his career but I'm not hurt that he'll use me for the sake of being adored again"

Hueningkai gasped at what he heard "Excuse me? Wait, you're not hurt because he could probably keep using you?" he asked confused, the black haired shook his head. The younger pouted then looked at the happy Taehyun talking to some people "I mean he was taught to be perfect and never let anyone down so" he tried to reason. Yeonjun scoffed "Okay yeah but that doesn't reason him using his boyfriend for fame, there's nothing to understand there no matter how much he tries to explain" Beomgyu stood up straight glaring at his friends before walking away, he understands that Yeonjun is upset because Taehyun is using him and Hueningkai wants to reason out everything so it won't be a misunderstanding. But for him, it's clear as day, and it hurts no matter if he says it doesn't hurt him.

"As long as you're adored, I'm happy"

During the first class the teacher announced a partner project and they can choose who they want, everyone wanted Taehyun to be their partner.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes as he got up walking to Beomgyu "We're partners no matter what" he said sitting down, the other black haired boy just nodded. Taehyun looked around the room and saw his boyfriend with Yeonjun, his smile dropped "Huening" he said looking at the male next to him, the younger nodded as he sighed and pushed their desks together, the students around Taehyun's table whined while walking away to find a new partner.

"You're not stupid, you know what you're doing is wrong" Hueningkai stated once he was sure no one would hear their conversation, the blond looked down "I know" he mumbled. "But you won't change it because you're stuck with never disappointing anyone" the younger male said looking around the room to casually look at Beomgyu to see how's he doing.

Taehyun nodded feeling ashamed "Unfortunately I don't know what will happen afterward, but that's up to you, you do you" Hueningkai said opening his notebook to review the notes. Taehyun looked at Beomgyu, who was not speaking or paying attention to what Yeonjun is saying, probably saying shit about me being a bad boyfriend because I know I am, Beomgyu looks lost. It'll last a little more,

I promise, Bluebell.

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