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Their daily routine already started but the difference is that many girls ran to Soobin asking him for pictures, just realizing he's a model. But of course, not Taehyun, he hides his face.

He looked back at his friend who's staring at him to help him, he sighed and pushed all the girls away. He took the long way to their class to lose the crazy fans "I didn't think today would be the day they'd recognize me" Soobin mumbled letting go of Taehyun's hand "I don't know maybe because your poster is outside the school and they put that and you walking in together" the boy with a masked on kept his head low since he knows his way around the halls.

Once they walked in Taehyun made Soobin put on his hood because he doesn't want to deal with fans coming to them. The teacher saw them and was about to tell both to put their hoods down but she realized who they are and walked away to pass out papers to get the class ready.

Soobin and Taehyun sat at the same seats, next to each other because one of them doesn't want to be noticed and all the teachers know about five models going to the school. And they know one model doesn't want anyone to know who he is.

By the time the bell rang all the students were seated, usually Taehyun would have his full focus on what the teacher would be saying but this time his focus was on the popular boy who's across the room, who's also staring at him; Choi Beomgyu.

"You have all class period to get this done, if not then take it home for homework" that's when Taehyun snapped out of the staring contest he was having with Beomgyu and realized he didn't hear anything. He looked at Soobin to see if he could read what he was writing "Hyun how the fuck do you describe love?" the purple male asked not loud enough to get caught.

Describe love?

Soobin looked at Taehyun when he didn't get a reply after three minutes and saw that his friend was almost half the page done, he groaned not knowing what to do. Then he remembered about someone and had the brightest idea.

During writing Soobin threw a piece of paper at Taehyun to get his attention "Have you texted Yeonjun hyung?" he asked once the male looked at him.

"I forgot, I'll do it during lunch" Taehyun fixed his hood while looking around to make sure no one's watching him, lately he's been feeling a pair of eyes.

"And you say you're enemies with Beomgyu when you hide your face from everyone" Soobin scoffed and pretend to write when the teacher looked around "He's an open model and you're a closed one. If he wants to be open about his model career that's fine and if you don't want anyone to know about yours it's fine too" he added said before he got up and went to turn in his essay.

Taehyun has thought about how he's always complaining about Beomgyu not hiding his model life, and it shouldn't matter to him, but it does.

During lunch Soobin took out his phone and moved it in front of Taehyun "Fine I'll text him right now, geez desperate guy" his friend nodded, not bothered how he called him desperate and left to make a call. Taehyun smiled when an idea popped in his head.

Soobin hyung likes you

Yeonjun hyung💘

Soobin hyung gave me your number to tell you he wants to hang out this week

Yeonjun hyung💘

Yeah Choi Soobin, you met him yesterday

Yeonjun hyung💘
No I didn't

He saved you from being chased by fans?

Yeonjun hyung💘


Yeonjun hyung💘
Did he say what day he wants to hang out?

Not sure

Yeonjun hyung💘
You should ask

Will you be free tho?

Yeonjun hyung💘
Busy schedule

It's crap as the days pass?

Yeonjun hyung💘

More if you're in BU

Yeonjun hyung💘
Excuse me?

Yk what I mean

Yeonjun hyung💘
Shading my company

I would never

Yeonjun hyung💘
Yea ok

So are you busy rn?

Yeonjun hyung💘
Currently having lunch

O well same

Yeonjun hyung💘
My friend and I have somewhere to go

Yea sure bye
I'm Taehyun btw

Yeonjun hyung💘
Kang Taehyun?

The one and only

Yeonjun hyung💘

Taehyun looked at his phone confused and unsure if he should say something or leave it at that 'It's Yeonjun hyung right?'

He shrugged it off since he doesn't know Yeonjun well. He doesn't however regret saying the one and only, everyone knows his name as a model and, wait. Yeonjun is also a model it's fine. Maybe.

Beomgyu chuckled looking at the first message Taehyun sent him "So Kang, Soobin hyung likes me or do you?" he smirked at the boy actually liking him and not his friend 'Another person with another fake excuse'

Taehyun dropped his spoon, his mouth wide opened as he thought more about Yeonjun and the messages 'Please don't tell me' he looked at his friend who's still pretending to talk on the phone. He doesn't care if he's faking a call to let him text Yeonjun, he's not sure about something.

"It's the wrong number!?"

One wrong message (Taegyu)Where stories live. Discover now