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After having to go through the hectic day that was yesterday Taehyun received a message from his manager letting him know that's he'll be in a new magazine with some model that'll help him in his career or something like that, Taehyun doesn't really remember or wants to remember because he's been stuck in the makeup/dressing room for five hours and the model hasn't arrived.

The blond's now on Twitter and noticed that the school's account was talking about yesterday. The famous model Kang Taehyun's revealed to be the lonely boy...blah blah blah. The boy doesn't really care, he kept it in for a good amount of years, all middle school till now.

Now the problem is that some people will continue to make rumors about Beomgyu and him, unfortunately it'll be hard but they think they can manage.

B hyung💘
Your present will arrive soon

You got me a present?

B hyung💘
I told you yesterday

You didn't?

B hyung💘
I got you a present
It'll arrive soon

Thx for telling me❤️

B hyung💘
Where are you?


B hyung💘
Don't be scared

You said not to be scared
I'm ok
I think
I'm not scared
I'm terrified
Oh god

Taehyung frantically looked around the room trying to see if Beomgyu meant something in the room will scare him, no one was around and nothing seemed scary. But now he was left confused and actually scared.

The male kept looking at his phone for a message from Beomgyu but there was none. His makeup artist walked to the makeup area and walked to him with a note "From Choi Beomgyu" she said as she gave the blond the paper. Taehyun chuckled and opened the paper:

1. Have to give me 1,000 kisses in a day, yes in 24 hours

2. D O N T go near other boys, you can go near Yeonjun and Soobin hyung and sometimes Huening

3. D O N O T go near other boys, Yeonjun and Soobin hyung yes and possibly maybe Huening too

4. Just D O N T go near other boys

And the final rule

5. D O N T and I mean DONT go near other boys. I CHANGE MY MIND TOO. Not even near Yeonjun and Soobin hyung and Huening

Taehyun laughed at the last rule "I'm serious" he jumped when he heard a voice behind him "You scared the shit out of me" the blond said standing up with a smile and hugged him "So did you like the present?" Beomgyu asked with a teasing smile but it went unnoticed by the younger.

The blond's smile fell "The note was the present?" he asked with sadness trying to hide it but it was noticeable "No but maybe it'll come any minute now" Beomgyu said looking at the door hoping it'll open at that moment.

"So what it is?" Taehyun asked, the older shook his head and looked away knowing he's trying to convince him with his cute doe eyes, the blond pouted as he sat down with crossed arms. The door swung open with two males, both managers "Finally you're here Beomgyu" Seonbin (Taehyun's manager) said with relief walking to the back of the room to get the boy's clothes rack "This will be your clothes and now you have to get ready, I'm glad you two talked and are on good terms so let's get this photoshoot going now" the male said in a hurry then left the room after remembering something else.

Beomgyu chuckled "That's half the present" he said with a smile, Taehyun tilted his head "You two will have a photoshoot together, and release a Couple magazine" Ji-jun (Beomgyu's manager) said then handed Beomgyu the flower bouquet he asked him to bring "And this is the other half" Beomgyu added showing him the Bluebell flowers, Taehyun looked at him then at the flowers "You're gonna make me cry" he mumbled taking the flowers.

"Well I don't want to see you acting all lovey-dovey so I'll be going" Ji-jun said walking out the room. The blond frowned "Wait he knows?" he asked the older male who nodded "My manager contacted yours and suggested we do a Couple magazine together after I told him, your company thought it'll be a good opportunity since I guess I'm more popular and it'll help your popularity boost up, especially a Couple magazine" Beomgyu explained feeling sad that it's not an actual announcement that they're together.

Taehyun sighed "But I mean we can act all cute like a couple and let it be real for us but an act for everyone else" he said with a smile, Beomgyu chuckled and pulled him into a hug "I love you" the blond's eyes widened at the sudden confession, it's the first time.

"I love you too"

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