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"We're over"

"No wait why?" Habin asked in a panicked voice watching Taehyun back away from him.

Beomgyu's eyes widened "He's breaking up with him?" he asked quietly while holding onto Yeonjun to stand, his friend chuckled "Guess your plan worked" as he checked his face for more bruises. Beomgyu nodded with a small smile but he felt guilty. Yeonjun noticed it but stayed silent as he turned to grab Soobin's hand to laugh at the scene in front of them.

"Beating up someone that hasn't done anything to you isn't what I want in a lover" Taehyun turned away hiding his tears forming in his eyes.

Habin fell to his knees grabbing Taehyun's hands "Let me explain please" Hueningkai scoffed walking over to them and pushing the older off "You've done enough damage to all of us" he said guiding Taehyun to walk away.

Soobin ran to them once he saw Yeonjun and Beomgyu walking towards the school entrance "Can't believe you finally broke up with him" the older said in disbelief Hueningkai shook his head still in shock "And it was because he beat up Beomgyu hyung"

Taehyun looked at Beomgyu who's leaning on the wall as Yeonjun talked on the phone. The boy's frowning while holding onto his stomach "I know he didn't do anything" he said under his breath. "Let's see if he doesn't get in trouble for doing that to a really popular model" the youngest joked letting go of Taehyun and walking ahead of them.

Soobin nodded with a smile at the joke before he jogged to catch up to the younger, leaving the red head alone, as he continued to stare at the male in pain.

He blinked and noticed Yeonjun left, he slowly walked to the older. Feeling hesitant of going near him when his, when someone made him in that condition.

"Are you okay?" he asked quietly, he flinched when Beomgyu opened his eyes and leaned forward "Taehyun?" he mumbled blinking to focus on the boy "I wanted to apologize for Habin's actions, I really don't know why he'd do that because I know him" he paused looking at the floor "But I guess I never knew him"

Beomgyu scratched his head "It's all good I just need to get to my car and Yeonjun went to go distract my driver so he won't tell my manager" he laughed but then turned into a cough, wincing at the pain.

Taehyun walked closer confident in what he's about to do "I'll help you" he said extending his hand with a smile.

Both males waited to see Yeonjun lead the driver down the sidewalk to see or do who knows what. The red head nodded his head as he held Beomgyu's waist walking slowly to not hurt the other.

"We can walk faster so you won't get caught being with me" Beomgyu said trying to walk faster but Taehyun pulled him back "I don't care about the media right now, you're injured and I'm trying to help because it's partly my fault" the black haired frowned, biting his tongue to not ask or say anything.

Taehyun opened the door helping Beomgyu get up the step of the truck, wincing and the younger apologizing.

Once the older was seated he sighed in relief "Thank you" he said. The younger nodded feeling the awkwardness coming, Beomgyu closed his eyes for a few seconds before he heard Yeonjun's laugh he opened them "Ah Yeonjun hyung's coming back" Taehyun looked towards the two males walking back "My cue to leave" he said closing the door and taking out his phone to text his driver.

Beomgyu put the window down "I don't want you to be seen with me because you hate me" he said catching the red head off guard. He opened his mouth to say something but Beomgyu put the window up leaving him with a fear so big it can't go unnoticed.

He looked behind him seeing the other two males are getting closer. Taehyun walked away feeling embarrassed that Beomgyu knows he hates him.

Taehyun slapped himself multiple times "Now he thinks I'm pathetic" he whined as he continued to walk to his usual parking spot.

Beomgyu smiled satisfied with what he did "Only time will let me finally be with you, Bug"

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