Won (pt1)

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Once all three friends were out of the classroom Beomgyu kicked Hueningkai, the male whined "That's for not telling me more about Taehyun" Hueningkai gasped, an offended face showing "It's not my fault you're not specific" before Beomgyu could bark back Yeonjun pushed them from his way and moved Huening to his left side and kept Beomgyu on his right to prevent a girly fight.

Both younger males sulked as they walked down the halls, many students noticing and started asking and saying what could've happened. Yeonjun clenched his fists and bit his tongue to stop himself from saying and doing something.

Having it in mind they took a right when they got to the hall leading to the cafeteria "How are you planning to make Taehyun like you when you only have four days left?" Hueningkai asked to clear the silence Beomgyu uncrossed his arms "I've been texting him longer" The younger laughed taking it as a joke "That doesn't mean Taehyun will like you, for a thing that you haven't thought about, him not knowing you in real life" Yeonjun looked at him and scoffed "Why you always gotta be a party pooper?"

Hueningkai frowned, they stopped walking when Hueningkai did "Taehyun's my friend and I don't want him to be in love with someone that doesn't love him back" Huening said picking up a pencil that was on the floor and threw it at Beomgyu then walked back to the cafeteria to be with Taehyun and Soobin.

"So he likes me" Beomgyu nodded to himself confirming his thoughts "Yeah I'm gonna go with Huening in this, think about what you'll do once Taehyun finds out who you are and when he sends a message saying he loves you" Yeonjun said standing in front of the other. Beomgyu waved him off "I already have that planned out" the older gave him a thumbs up "Good because that day will come soon"

I have it planned out? Beomgyu asked himself.

Taehyun stood frozen telling himself he should do it now, his hand slowly reached the boy's shoulder and softly tapped it.

Beomgyu turned around his mind still on Taehyun, speaking of the devil. "Yes?" he asked confused, the younger kept his gaze on the floor "Can we go somewhere to talk?" he then looked up at Beomgyu, his eyes saying please. The other could only nod not knowing what's happening.

They stood quiet with an awkward silence in a floor no one goes to during lunch. Taehyun sighed "I'm gonna make this quick, I'm sorry for saying bad things about you"

It clicked to Beomgyu "Oh that's fine, it happens a lot but I understand the things you said. Spoiled son of bitch, cocky, rude, heartless and more" Beomgyu laughed at the many hash words people have told him. The other boy frowned "It doesn't hurt you?" The older's laugh faded away and looked at Taehyun expressionless  "Been hearing them for years so no"

Taehyun felt a wave of sympathy hit him at those words "I'm sorry you get hated when you don't do anything wrong" Beomgyu smiled then it fell as he shrugged "I was born to have a life like this" the red head shook his head and grabbed the other's hands "You don't because I know you're a good person" they both stared at each other's eyes.

Beomgyu reached to pull down Taehyun's mask "Thank you, Taehyun" he smiled softly and backed away to walk down the stairs to meet Yeonjun and freak out.

Taehyun moved his hand to touch the mask that's on his chin now "He saw it was me and didn't care" he whispered to himself.

"Has he always known?"

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