A favor

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It was a normal day for both males. Wake up get ready, go to school, have a photoshoot or interview, get chased by fans and go to their house. Nothing new.

The purple haired boy came from the kitchen with two bowls of popcorn giving one to Taehyun and sat on the couch near the window. They aren't watching a movie, they've been craving popcorn for the past month but never got the chance to sit down and eat while talking about how crazy their life has been in one week.

"Got another mob again?" Soobin asked the male on his phone. Taehyun nodded not bothering to look around him while he scrolls through his Twitter and eating his snack.

"I met a model today, he was being chased by fans. He told me he usually escapes them but this time he couldn't" the male engulfed by the blankets and pillows looked up from his phone and saw how his friend's cheeks turned pink.

"You have a crush on him" he pointed out which his friend rolled his eyes in response "He's really handsome" Taehyun then rolled his eyes sitting up and pushing some pillows on the floor to sit correctly "His name and company" Soobin sighed already knowing the reply he's going to get, it's not a good one "Choi Yeonjun, B-" "The same company as Choi Beomgyu"

Soobin nodded with a small awkward smile "From what I've heard there are dating rumors about them" the younger scoffed scrolling more not wanting to think about that male "Why do you hate him?" the purple head has always wondered why Taehyun has so much hate towards Beomgyu "I don't, you know the history I have with that guy"

The older shook his head "No I don't" He doesn't but does, complicated. "He took the spotlight from me when he came out with his first freaking picture" Soobin smiled widely while nodding, finding it funny how that's the reason why he hates Beomgyu "So you hate him because he took the spotlight from you but now you're more jelly since he's dating someone"

"Because my best friend has a crush on his boyfriend" Taehyun remarked feeling his blood boiling just thinking about Beomgyu "Beomgyu isn't his boyfriend" the red head mocked him. He feels disgusted at the thought of Beomgyu dating Yeonjun "And it's more of an admiration crush" The boy titled his head confused "Celebrity crush"

"I can't believe he isn't even secretive about his model life" Taehyun said when he came across a fan page that posted a tweet of an interview with Beomgyu "Again with Beomgyu? It hasn't even been 2 minutes" Soobin groaned after he swallowed some popcorn, he's about to go on a rant about Taehyun's problem. The younger threw his phone on the couch across from Soobin.

"He said he has an ideal type, they actually exist and it's someone that's a model with blond hair" the older male chocked on the popcorn he was chewing "Blond and a model?" the red head nodded "Way to ago Choi" Soobin whistled grabbing more popcorn.

"You're Choi too" "Shut up"

"I'm gonna take a shower to go out for our new schedule" Soobin said walking to the kitchen counter and leaving his bowl there. When he was about to go to the hallway he remembered something important "Hey can I ask you a favor?"

Taehyun snored "When do you not" he giggled facing his friend and seeing his reaction; pouting and his arms crossed "Well can you do it?" The male sitting down nodded. He could guess the favor is to buy him more shampoo bottles so his hair can smell amazing or food or invite him out to a fancy restaurant because he's his best friend, but he was wrong.

"Text Yeonjun hyung that I want to hang out with him this week" Taehyun deadpanned then grimaced at the idea "What I'm shy" he got up to get his phone and handed it to his friend "Put it in and I'll do it later" Soobin nodded putting in Taehyun's password and went to his contacts. He smiled to himself at the thought of his perfect plan.

They'll never know.

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