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Taehyun already felt something in his stomach before, it's nothing new that he felt again when Beomgyu's fingers brushed against his when he walked by. But the only difference is that it's feel anger or disgust "Why are blushing?" Soobin asked as the red head was putting his mask back on. The boy panicked and looked at him "Blushing?" he asked confused himself.

Hueningkai started laughing and hitting his the wall "It's because Beomgyu hyung's fingers touched his" he then continued until a teacher came out of that room and told him not to do that.

The purple head still stared at Taehyun for an explanation "So you like Beomgyu" he stated but the other shook his head "No I don't know why I'm blushing, I've been feeling weird when he's around" he said quietly enough for the taller to hear. Soobin smiled softy "Taehyun your hate is fading, don't know if you like him but you don't seem to hate him anymore" he giggled at the thought of those two being friends.

Hueningkai and Soobin walked away talking about something random, leaving Taehyun to think. I don't hate Beomgyu anymore?

Being distracted in class the came to his sense thinking he'll get called out for a question but he remembered that since he'd hiding his identity the teacher won't call his name. He still thoughts about what Soobin told him, I'd he doesn't hate Beomgyu do that mean they become friends? He doesn't want that, they're enemies.

If you and your enemy become friends is that good?

B hyung💘
Where did this come from?

I just need an opinion and I don't want Huening's and Soobin hyung's
I believe and trust your more

B hyung💘
Well I mean depends why that person was your enemy
If it isn't something too big, like liking someone or they have a title, that's useless stuff
It's not a problem if you do

But what if I find it embarrassing after I've said a lot of bad things about him

B hyung💘
Those things don't matter if you care about that person, as long as you know you did wrong it's fine
We all make those mistakes once or twice in our lives

I mean I regret them but I want to talk to him
But idk how

B hyung💘
Who is it?

Choi Beomgyu

B hyung💘
Oh the model

If I apologize to him he'll take it like nothing because he feels above everyone
When someone apologizes to him about talking shit he shrugs, laughs and walks away like nothing, I've been there when he's done that
If I apologize he'll think I'm stupid

B hyung💘
Beomgyu has been selfish for years but something made him change now


B hyung💘
If you apologize I promise he won't say anything rude

How are you sure?

B hyung💘
I have my ways to make sure my friends are safe and happy
Will you apologize to Beomgyu?

But I don't have to apologize it's a stupid subject

B hyung💘
It's stupid but you'll live with that guilt forever

Ok fine I'll do it
But not today
Or tomorrow

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