Close to bugging

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As soon as Taehyun walked through the school entrance he felt something off, he did see Beomgyu there but thought he's waiting for someone and brushed it off. What the?

He walked down the same route to his class and heard a familiar voice, he'd recognize it anywhere because it's his best friend's. He walked around a corner but went back and looked at the two males talking in a small hallway.

To not invade his friend's privacy he stepped back to the other wall but could still see them happily talking.

'So Soobin hyung, you and Yeonjun hyung are talking? You didn't bother telling me after I tried to help you?' Taehyun shook his head and walked away. No he doesn't feel betrayed, it's more he can't believe Soobin, has a boyfriend? Lied to him? Maybe.

Taehyun doesn't like it, seeing Beomgyu more than usual is seriously bugging him. First he saw him waiting at the entrance of the school for Yeonjun, he was sitting on his desk when he got to the class. He didn't say anything he just sat at Soobin's chair and waited while his friend talked to him like they've been friends for years.

And don't even get started on the fact that he was all over his space in all of his class, he was so close to snapping at the boy and yell at him for bugging him. Although, he wasn't, Taehyun tells himself that to keep the hate flowing through him.

Now it's lunch and the same boy decided to sit at the table next to him and his friend. He just wants the day to be over to not see the stupid face he has seen all day.

Taehyun shoved his tray to Hueningkai mumbling he doesn't want to eat, which the younger happily began to eat his food. It was quiet like normal, they don't mind since the one who mainly did the talking was Soobin, he decided to go eat somewhere else.

The small boy in a oversized black hoodie frowned at the male now talking to Huening, who's sitting in front of him. It doesn't (does) concern him that the boy he envies is in front him casually talking to one of his friends.

He quietly scoffed and pulled out his phone feeling abandoned by his good dear friends. At least he has one friend that will always listen to him when he needs, he thinks.

You're friends with Yeonjun hyung

B hyung💘
My heart stopped for a sec


B hyung💘
I though you saw me irl


B hyung💘
God no I gotta hide
You're gonna be like a dinosaur running through the halls to find me

I'll find you
And I'll kill you

B hyung💘

Yea ik I'm amazing

B hyung💘
But why did you ask if I know Yeonjun hyung?

I saw him and Soobin hyung talking
It's weird how he hasn't told me anything
And it looked like he wasn't stuttering or shy
He said he's too shy to text or talk to Yeonjun hyung

B hyung💘
I'll ask Yeonjun hyung


B hyung💘
He said they've been talking since Soobin hyung saved him
So like 4 days ago?

It's been 4 days since we started talking?

B hyung💘
O shoot

So Soobin and Yeonjun hyung have been talking since that day too
I'm gonna kill someone

B hyung💘
You shouldn't
It'll be ok

My friend gave me a wrong number
And idek who you are
You could be a freaking old ass man
A pervert

B hyung💘
Ok rude I told you I'm 20

Send a pic

B hyung💘

I want to see if you're lying

B hyung💘
Maybe later
I'm busy rn

Or you're trying to not send a pic so I won't know you're a pervert old man

B hyung💘
I'm not that old
I'm 20


B hyung💘
Believe what you want

Are you mad?

B hyung💘

I'm sorry

Beomgyu's eyes soften at the message, he smiled. He apologized for something stupid but he likes it because it's cute.

"I'm gonna puke" he looked down and realized he's three steps from the boy he texted Beomgyu jumped from his seat and grabbed Hueningkai's hand to take him to his table to make sure Taehyun won't hear their conversation.

"Didn't think you'd be with someone" Huening said once they sat down.

It took Beomgyu a second to realize what he was talking about "I'm not this is just some boy I'm playing with" Hueningkai pouted "Don't play with Taehyun he's really sweet" They're both well aware that the youngest is friends with Taehyun and he knows him well.

Beomgyu playfully punched his arm "What do you know about him?" Hueningkai hummed as he thought "What do you want to know?" the older smirked.

One thing he desperately wants to know is if he's in a relationship, but he won't ask yet.

"Why did he release ten magazines w-" "Because he hated how you took his spotlight, it was his good point in his career but you came out with your first magazine and he was forgotten for the rest of the week until he came out with ten magazines to get his spotlight back but he didn't get half of it since it was still with you"

Beomgyu put his hand up signaling to stop talking "He envies you a lot" Hueningkai added the older sighed and nodded. He won't feel bad.

Deep down he knows his heart broke a little knowing a simple quiet boy envies someone like him. It feels wrong, he has many problems and he doesn't wish for that boy to have them just because he doesn't want anyone to have his hell of a life.

But of course involving dating is something Beomgyu's use to having, he doesn't want a rumor about him and Taehyun. He won't forgive himself if he ruins his career twice.

He's caring for thinking about Taehyun, it won't last.

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