Play with me

752 42 13

The alarm in Taehyun's room kept going off and it was starting to annoy Soobin, it's weird though because he would never let the second alarm go off.

Soobin walked in Taehyun's room without knocking and saw a small lump in the bed. He sighed shaking his head he walked to the bed "Taehyun-ah?"

The red head squirmed under the covers "It's so hot turn on the ac" he slurred pushing his blanket off of him. Soobin moved towards him to touch his forehead. He frowned "You're burning up"

Soobin shook his head making up his mind "You're staying home today"

Taehyun sat up furiously shaking his head "No I'm fine I can go work, I can't miss a day" he walked to his closet to get a shirt and his favorite hoodie but only to drop them when he got lifted from the ground and was put back on his bed.

"Let me get the thermometer and if it's not over 100 you can go to school" Soobin said going to Taehyun's bathroom knowing he always keeps a thermometer in there.

Soobin texted Yeonjun Taehyun might be sick while he waited for the thermometer to ding, the boy laying down hopes he wouldn't be sick because he never missed school.

But he also hopes he is so he won't have to go to school just because he doesn't want to see Beomgyu.

They both jumped when they heard the ding, the oldest took out the thermometer from Taehyun's mouth and looked at it "99.5°F" he muttered "You're staying home, the medicine's in your drawer"

He looked at Taehyun to see if he'd said something "Don't think about me I'm fine" was all he said before he turned around to sleep, Soobin nodded and left before he was late which would be in twenty minutes.

All day was extremely boring for Beomgyu, for one he wouldn't stop looking at Taehyun's empty seat. Just knowing he's sick made him uneasy, he could text him but he won't because he wants the boy to get rest.

He saw Yeonjun and Soobin talking near his locker "I'm going to die with one more class" he grumbled when he got to them. Yeonjun looked surprised "Why because of Taehyun?"

Beomgyu nodded "And I'm tired and want to go home"

Soobin chuckled whispering to Yeonjun he'll see him later so he'd deal with his "tired" friend.

Yeonjun looked at Beomgyu giving him the look to complain to him "I want to text him but I don't wanna because I want him to rest and it's bugging me that he's not here" he shut his mouth when he saw a girl passing by and signaled he's done for now.

"Kang changed you"

Taehyun coughed, wincing at the pain shooting through him. He turned around to be more comfortable even though every position he's in makes him feel like he's on rocks. He saw his phone on the other side of the bed, he smiled feeling excitement rush through him at the idea he has.

He's been coughing and sneezing all day that he couldn't text someone he wanted to, now that he feels a little better he can do it.

Are you busy rn?

B hyung💘

Ok let's meet up
I wanna go on a date with you😺

B hyung💘
Are you horny or something?


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