A dream?

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Taehyun walked down the hall not minding how all the students still get excited when they see him, it's been weeks and it's all the same. He finally got a day off from being busy, and now he can talk to his boyfriend.

He saw Beomgyu talking to Yeonjun as usual, he smiled then sighed to prepare himself to talk to his boyfriend after many weeks. The blond stood in front of the black haired male "Hey B hyung" he said happily, the older looked at him confused "Hi" he said to be nice, Yeonjun rolled his eyes getting impatient with the situation that is until,

"Oh hey Sayna" the oldest said with a smile, Beomgyu's face brightened "Hey baby" he said hugging her. Taehyun frowned at the scene in front of him, he was confused, he called her baby? Im Sayna? Wait what?

"Let me walk you to your class this time" Beomgyu said wrapping his arms around the girl, she giggled but nodded and they walked away. Yeonjun scoffed "Lovebirds I tell you" he said then ran to Soobin and Hueningkai who he stopped as they walked in the school building.

Taehyun shook his head "No that's not true, Beomgyu hyung isn't dating her" he repeated multiple times until he said yelling and tears started streaming down his cheeks, he wishes this is a dream.

Taehyun woke up scared and crying, he doesn't know if it's true or not. He got his phone and called Hueningkai, the first person he thought to ask.

Hello?" a sleepy male answered "Please please tell me what relationship I have with Beomgyu hyung" the blond begged ad he clenched his phone in his hand "He's your boyfriend, been for like I think three months" Hueningkai said with a yawn not understanding why the blond asked "Really? Are you one-hundred percent positive?" Taehyun asked looking at his device in front of him "Yes, you can ask Yeonjun, Soobin and Beomgyu hyung himself for confirmation"

Taehyun sighed as he tried to calm himself, it was just a dream, it's all okay "Why do you suddenly ask at four in the morning?" Hueningkai asked with curiosity "I had a dream that he was dating Sayna and I was still dating Habin, oh god it was a nightmare. I thought Beomgyu hyung hated me" Hueningkai cleared his throat "I mean it will happen if you keep going at this pace"

"It's not my fault I keep getting shoots added at the last second" Taehyun said as wiped his tears with a scoff "Right, right, you just agree to be busy instead of clearing out the misunderstandings" the younger male said with sarcasm "I'm not gonna argue with you, I'll see you tomorrow bye" the blond said and hung up before the other male said something else.

Taehyun looked at his nightstand and took the jar filled with the notes Beomgyu gave him back then, he's choosing to have a bad relationship. The male sobbed quietly as he held onto the jar.

The blond laid down with the jar and thought about everything he'll do tomorrow when he sees his boyfriend, hopefully his manager won't give him another busy schedule again.

And it was exactly that, nothing too different from the other days. Taehyun was focusing on the classes and was pulled out of some to talk to the principal and his manager about leaving early again, then there was his time with Beomgyu which was zero.

He saw how his three friends looked at him, more like glaring, no one knows about his thoughts or feelings but he rather be overworked than face the sad truth with his lover.

"I knew it wouldn't work out from the beginning" the blond mumbled to himself as he walked out of the school building. Seonbin looked back at him, clearly hearing those words, the older male turned around choosing to not touch the subject. It's best not to talk about that now.

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