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"What do you mean Habin's going to beat up Beomgyu hyung?" Hueningkai asked before Taehyun could say anything. Soobin shrugged keeping up his acting "I don't know but they said it's today" the youngest scoffed waving his hands around "Of course I always knew that fucker wanted to cause trouble"

"Going at the people that haven't done anything, I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to get Taehyun in a scandal" the purple head nodded in agreement and rethought what Hueningkai said "There's no way I'll let him near Taehyun if he wants to do that" both males looked at each other and chuckled with the same thought.

It went silent after they stopped laughing, the only person that hasn't said anything is "Taehyun?" Hueningkai and Soobin looked at the male looking at the floor.

"Let's go to the field"

Beomgyu tapped his foot as he saw Habin walking to him "Finally" both Yeonjun and him said under their breath.

Habin looked at Yeonjun and then at Beomgyu his face asking 'why is he here' "Don't worry he won't do anything he's just gonna watch" the older said with a small nod.

"Okay so has Taehyun confessed?" Habin asked his arms crossed, getting impatient as the seconds go by. Beomgyu smiled knowing his lines "Yes and it was before you told me about the challenge" Habin's eyes widened, making the other male smirk internally "You look surprised that he loves me now" he said with a confused/innocent tone.

Yeonjun kept looking at the door of the school to see if he'd see Soobin or Taehyun and he kept his phone on for a message from Soobin that they're coming.

The black haired male let his arms fall to his side as he clenched his fists tightly "That is surprising because Taehyun's my boyfriend" Beomgyu clicked his tongue shaking his head "Actually he's my boyfriend now and I have to ask you to stay away because you make him uncomfortable" his words made Habin stiff, his blood boiling.

Time's up, Beomgyu told himself "Never once has he felt that when I'm around" the younger said through gritted teeth, the older chuckled slowly walking to the other male "We'll see" he muttered before he lifted his arm and punched Habin's jaw.

Yeonjun gasped frantically looking at the closed door and his phone, he typed a quick message to Soobin to hurry up.

Habin stumbled back "Already wanna fight?" he said with a smile Beomgyu nodded "After I win I'll get to Taehyun back and show him a real world of pleasure and love" Habin tauntingly said with a smirk as he tried to hit Beomgyu but he dodged it.

The black haired threw another punch, he looked at Yeonjun who's mouthing that Taehyun's coming and he looked at the now opened door from the school and three males walking to them.

Beomgyu didn't mean to get hit, he was making sure Taehyun was coming but as he did that Habin took advantage that he was distracted and threw a punch.

The younger pushed Beomgyu to the floor and began to kick him in the stomach. The boy started to cough blood. Yeonjun turned to the boys fighting his eyes widened at the scene, he rushed to get the male off Beomgyu but Habin hit him with his elbow causing Yeonjun to fall back with a nose bleed.

Soobin and Hueningkai ran to Yeonjun asking him if he's okay and helping him stand up, the younger grabbed the tissue box he always carries in his backpack and gave it to Yeonjun.

Taehyun's eyes went to Yeonjun go Habin, punching Beomgyu one last time he smiled satisfied then faded, he lifted his leg to kick him again but

"Stop Habin!"

Habin looked at the male standing in front of him with so much anger "Baby look" the black haired male slowly got up his hand reaching for his, for the red head.

Taehyun slapped his hand away and then backhand slapped him. He doesn't have his mask on and he got lucky with the fact that no one is around "He hasn't done anything to you and you decide to beat him up" he feels his hand stinging, he feels tears forming in his eyes, he feels too many emotions "No look he tol-" another slap.

"I don't want to hear another word from you"

Author note-
It was hard to write the fighting scene so I'm sorry if you can't picture it🥲

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