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Taehyun slowly closed the door to his bathroom still thinking about what happened yesterday "If you didn't want to see me, you could've told me" he mumbled to himself as he sat on his bed wanting to sleep forever.

But of course something or someone has to interrupt moments like that, like right now Taehyun's phone rang, with a specific ring tone that only plays if it's someone. That someone is Choi Beomgyu.

Soobin paced in the dining room while his phone rang on the coffee table while Hueningkai gives him a judgmental look "So you're playing that game?" the younger asked visibly confused. The older walked to the loud device just to look at it "I don't know what to say" he admitted and sighed in relief when the noise stopped.

Hueningkai facepalmed with no words for his friend "And he's coming back tomorrow so it's worse" Soobin went back to the dining room to pace again.

The brown head groaned as the older's phone began to ring again, a long day of hearing that ringtone.

The blond picked up his phone having the words ready to say, and yell at the male.

"Taehyun before you start yelling at me that I'm an asshole for not telling you about me going to Daegu and not saying I won't make it to our date. Just know I told your friend Sayna about me leaving, and I have to go my break's over but I'll see you tomorrow to explain more if you want. Bye" and the line was cut.

"Sayna?" the male asked confused, as he was walking to leave his room the door was opened by his friends with half worried? half angry faces "Do you know who's Sayna?" he asked having suspicions. He crossed his arms watching Hueningkai step back with a paper in his hand which he put his hands behind his back.

"Give me the paper now" he said sternly extending his arm. Soobin pushed the younger male inside the room to give Taehyun the paper they read a few seconds before coming in. The boy slowly extended his arm to give the paper to the other.

"I'm giving you one chance and one only, leave Choi Beomgyu alone, he's mine, IS," Taehyun said the letters confused, still not understanding what's happening "Im Sayna" Hueningkai said.

The blond's mouth fell open slowly putting the pieces together "She likes Beomgyu hyung and wants me to stay because he's "hers" pfft she's an obsessed delusional bitch" the boy started laughing but his friends stayed silent with an awkward smile.

"She's also the daughter of the owner, of our school" Soobin added with a nod making Taehyun stop laughing "And?" he asked not caring "You do know you can get kicked out?" the youngest asked not understanding the blond's attitude in this situation.

The boy nodded still not affected "And you can get the company involved" the purple head flatly said, again, the boy nodded his expression not changing "You're reputation will be damaged like your father says and you know what that means" both males said at the same time.

"Look she can do whatever she wants but if she expects me to be afraid of that weak threat she better come up with something better or sit because I'm absolutely not going to stop talking to my friend that makes me feel safer than anyone in this trash world" The two males stood there with empty heads. (like me)

"By the way I still feel sick so get out of my room" Taehyun added once he was in bed making the others roll their eyes and leave "No one can threaten me and think they can make me shiver"

When you come back we'll talk
Have a safe trip

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