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Now's the day. Beomgyu kept his eyes on Taehyun for five classes in a row, of course, with Yeonjun being next to him telling him to focus on the class.

"Beomgyu" Yeonjun tapped his pencil while trying to get the male's attention. Which he's clearly failing at "Beomgyu!" he shouted waving his hands in front of him. Beomgyu slapped Yeonjun's hands "Shut up before I make you and go to your stupid boyfriend"

"Soobin isn't stupid!" the older remarked, pouting "At least we know he's your boyfriend" Hueningkai smirked stealing a cracker from Yeonjun and getting a kick on his chair. The oldest blushed as he said "We're on our way to that"

Beomgyu grabbed two pencils and threw them at Yeonjun and Hueningkai "What the hell" both said at the same time.

"I'm not in the freaking mood to hear your bickering so shut" he said while staring at Taehyun talking to Soobin "Why don't you just text him to stop that grumpy face?" Huening asked tired of seeing a frown and something in Beomgyu's eyes.

The boy's eyes lit up and nodded frantically, he took out his phone. Looking around to see if any girl is near them, he sighed when he saw some by the door, in the back, front and far from them.

B hyung💘
How's your day going so far?

What a surprise seeing you text me first
But also a surprise because I was going to text you just now

B hyung💘
Guess we both have something to talk about

You want to talk about something with me?

B hyung💘
Yes and no


B hyung💘
First of all don't be rude and answer what I asked

Oh yea
My day's going fine I think

B hyung💘
Did someone bother you?
Tell me and I'll go teach them a lesson

You sure you're willing to show yourself to defend me?

B hyung💘

You're so nice
But no one is aside from my friend

B hyung💘
As long as it's your friend I'll stay calm

You can stay calm because he's like my brother

B hyung💘
This might be the wrong moment but
Can I ask a personal personal question?

Anytime is the moment I think
Yea you can ask

B hyung💘
Are you dating anyone?
Are you taken

Keep it a secret plz
I have a bf in school

Beomgyu's heart dropped, he looked at the boy he's texting and could tell he's hitting his lip waiting for him to say something


Beomgyu turned off his phone and put in his hoodie pocket "You good?" Huening asked noticing the change of attitude he's giving, he was happy when he started texting Taehyun and then he suddenly looks like he's going to kill someone.

Beomgyu looked at him, his eyes saying he won't be fine until he knows something "Do you know who's his boyfriend?"

Yeonjun chocked on his water "Wait Taehyun has a boyfriend?" Huening slapped his thigh and glared at him he motioned around them "Girls, okay yeah I do know who he is" he said and smiled.

"Him" he pointed at the boy talking to the teacher outside the classroom "Jang Habin?" both Yeonjun and Beomgyu said confused, Beomgyu's sounded more mad than confused "How long"

Hueningkai laughed "Uh I think for about" he stopped to look at his finger but didn't count "6 months" he put up six fingers showing his two friends. Beomgyu got up and walked out of class without making a remark or hitting something, or someone.

Yeonjun chewed down a piece of his crackers and whistled "He may want to compete with Mr. Jang over there" Hueningkai looked at Habin and nodded eagerly "It'll surely be a sight to see"

One wrong message (Taegyu)Where stories live. Discover now