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It's nothing new when Taehyun's on his phone more and when his phone dings with the message notification.

It's also not new when he's giddy and smiley all day, his manager and the photographer don't complain since they have a hard time getting him to smile for certain themes.

"He's still in his world" Soobin commented as he and Hueningkai walked to the only male by the lockers, on his phone.

"Now he's stretching that relationship" Hueningkai said when Taehyun giggled cutely "So what was the first note?" he asked as the masked boy stayed on his locker while the note he got in the morning was on the floor.

The taller picked up the paper "I don't know which is prettier today, the weather or your eyes" Soobin snorted, Huening raised an eyebrow "It was raining all day" the purple head nodded "I know but they're too stupid to know anything aside from texting each other" both of them nodded in agreement.

Hueningkai gagged walking away when he saw Habin walking to them "Bye" Soobin looked down the hall and gagged too "We'll see you after school" waved at Taehyun who's still happily tapping his phone.

"Hi baby" Habin said side hugging Taehyun and kissed his head. The boy hummed as he continued to type. Habin frowned at not being acknowledged and looked at who Taehyun's texting, to see the contact name as 'B hyung💘'

He let go of the boy, feeling annoyed that Beomgyu is trying to win Taehyun "I'll see you later" the red head nodded not actually hearing what he said because he's typing, Habin noticed it quickly and it made his blood boil. He won't let Beomgyu win easily.

I don't get you

B hyung💘
Your note is waiting for you

Are you gonna watch me open it?

B hyung💘
I'm down the hall if you want I will

And try to get my reaction

B hyung💘
I already knew it when I was writing it

Ok let me go read it

Taehyun opened his locker and looked behind him to see if he could see someone looking at him that could be B hyung, his smile of hope fell from not seeing anyone around.

He got the piece of paper on top of his history book and opened it "One night I looked up at the stars and thought 'Wow, how beautiful' but now that I'm looking at you, nothing else can compare" he murmured. A smile spreading across his face, he giggled.

Beomgyu chuckled at Taehyun holding the note to his chest, he knows he's smiling a lot under the mask.

He was too caught up leaning on the wall, staring at Taehyun with a smile. That he didn't notice someone calling his name right next to him "Choi Beomgyu" Habin said louder and pushed the boy to the wall to make him pay attention to him "What?" Beomgyu faced the person but when he saw it's Habin, his face and mood changed.

"I want to add to the challenge" The slightly older could see Taehyun walking away, he was going to tell him a lie about his boyfriend so they'd break up but "Add?"

"By the end of the week, I want to fight you" Habin smirked at Beomgyu's shocked face.

The blacker haired thought it isn't necessary but if it means Taehyun will be free from this guy standing so cockily, he'll do it "Accepted" Habin extended his to him, which he took "Then we'll fight on Friday" Beomgyu nodded, the brown head started laughing as he walked away when the bell rang and many students started walking in the hall.

Beomgyu sighed when he saw Yeonjun walking to him with arms crossed "Here we go"

The older shook his head "Seriously a fight?" Beomgyu nodded with a determined face and tone "I'll win Taehyun no matter the coast" the black haired mocked him quietly "You're being stupid if you think you can get in a fight" he whisper yelled, aware of how many students are around them.

Beomgyu shrugged "We won't get to that stage once Taehyun's with me, if he came to me to say that it means that Taehyun isn't the same anymore and it's caused by me" he said confidently. Yeonjun frowned "And what makes you think you're the cause?"

"Yesterday Taehyun texted me about apologizing to me because he's been talking shit, and what I think is that he doesn't hold that hate that everyone's been saying he has" Yeonjun gasped, actually surprised and curious "Does that mean he likes you?" Beomgyu frantically nodded, completely sure.

Both males dropped the subject and continued to walk to the office. Yeonjun had seen someone peek their head out from the bathroom, he knows they're being watched them.

"Once you and Taehyun get together you better make sure Habin doesn't get in the way"

One wrong message (Taegyu)Where stories live. Discover now