The end

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Yeonjun stared at the male who was still laying down after finding out where Taehyun is. "I mean he did the same thing you did but it sounds like he did it on purpose" he said clicking his tongue "Just end this whole thing, it'll hurt less if you stay away from him" he added with a scoff. Beomgyu glared at him "Breaking up with him isn't going to help me"

"But at least you won't think about having a lover" Yeonjun said with a little smile, the younger male looked at him then faked laughed "Yeah that's amazing but it'll leave me heartbroken" the older shrugged "You've been thinking he doesn't actually love you, now it's been more confirmed because he left without saying anything" Beomgyu waved him off "I need to be alone" he said rubbing his eyes, Yeonjun nodded feeling sympathy for his friend and walked out of his room.

The boy stayed on his bed staring at his phone "Should I actually?" he asked himself, maybe Yeonjun's right, but he doesn't want to lose Taehyun either. Beomgyu picked up his phone, unlocked it and hesitantly went to Taehyun's contact. He has to, right?

B hyung💘
I'm sorry


B hyung💘
We're over

Is this really Beomgyu hyung?

B hyung💘
We haven't been an actual couple

You could've mentioned it and we can
be a couple again

B hyung💘
We? I waited patiently because you
became busy with modeling, but even then
that didn't make me feel okay
I don't want to continue this relationship
because it doesn't seem like it'll last

It didn't because you want to break up

B hyung💘
Yea so now you can dedicate your full
time modeling without having to worry
about a lover

I never meant to hurt you

B hyung💘
But you did
The damage has been done
Now I have to go because I'm also a model
Good luck with your career

The blond dropped his phone as tears streamed down his face, Beomgyu broke up with him, they're over. Beomgyu didn't have any more patience, he lost him forever.

There was a knock on the male's door "Be ready in ten minutes we'll be leaving to the airport to New York" his manager called out before walking away. Taehyun wanted to scream, Beomgyu broke up with him because he's never with him. He wished everything was a dream.

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