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Soobin quietly closed the door before he walked to the living room where Hueningkai is attempting to call Yeonjun again.

"They're not answering" the male said tossing his phone on the couch "Taehyun was waiting for Beomgyu at the arcade for six hours and now he won't pick up" the purple haired male walked to the kitchen, anger bubbling in "I don't understand why he's not answering, but it looks bad on him right now"

The oldest took out his phone to call Yeonjun, if he answers "It's useless to keep trying" Hueningkai said flopping on the couch a long sigh leaving his lips "What's his temperature?" he asked worried about his friend being sick again "100°F, higher than the last one last month" he said tightly holding his phone at not hearing Yeonjun's voice in the other end.

The male walked to the other couch "If Beomgyu and Taehyun met before he Habin, would it be different?" Soobin asked as he closed his eyes "Maybe, but they met afterward and I think it's better because they both went through something and now they know what to do" the other boy responded with a smile as he clicked on Yeonjun's contact again.

Soobin opened his eyes at the response he got and smiled noticing Hueningkai's right, but it hurts him watching Taehyun be hurt. If one's hurt the other one is too.

Hueningkai jumped from the couch hearing the voice both makes have been wanting to hear for half an hour "Hyung where the hell is Beomgyu hyung?" he shouted making Soobin stand up and take his phone to put it on speaker "He's in Daegu?" the purple male's mouth opened visibly confused "Why is he there?" the younger asked, also, in the state of confusion.

"He had a photoshoot there for the weekend, Taehyun probably forgot to tell y'all sorry" Yeonjun said making both males frown "Taehyun didn't know either" Soobin spat out with a tone of anger that can't be missed "What?" the older's voice was full of confusion at the purple head's attitude towards him. "He left Taehyun abandoned at the arcade" Soobin added.

"I mean I didn't kn-" "He better call Taehyun right now or come back home to explain because I won't tolerate him messing up again" the purple head said before hanging up.

Hueningkai looked at him with a are you serious look "What" he asked "We were literally trying to call them for half an hour and you just hung up like that" he deadpanned when he saw Soobin nod "I'm going to my room" he said taking his phone and walking to down the hall.

Soobin sat down then his phone began ringing, he had a feeling it's Yeonjun, to confirm it he looked at his phone and scoffed when he saw he was right "You two are causing trouble for us"

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