Kang Taehyun

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"You can't though" Hueningkai whisper-shouted as they walked down the hall. Taehyun kept ignoring the male and took out his phone to see more and more tweets talking about him.

He looked up to see his purple head friend shaking his head "Why do you always have crazy ideas?" he asked making Taehyun laugh.

The hooded male walked up the stairs to the stage with a mic ready for him. He felt like he was going to pass out seeing many people, he practiced his speech in his room over and over the night before and this morning but, being in person hits different.

He closed his eyes and sighed before he said what came to mind "Kang Taehyun is here" the cafeteria went silent and all eyes landed on him.

Taehyun pulled down his mask, he gulped hearing gasps. The boy's eyes wandered to find his friends, he smiled a little feeling reassurance seeing them do a thumbs up. He pulled down his hood and spoke again "And yes he's the quiet kid"

Everyone started whispering at the huge news announcement. Taehyun saw Beomgyu talking to a girl, he squinted to get a clear view of the girl's face, she turned to him and he immediately recognized it was Sayna.

He felt hesitation run through him at the next announcement he'll make "Also the rumor about Choi Beomgyu and I dating" the blond said feeling dizzy, he saw his lover panic because they didn't talk about revealing their relationship anytime soon.

"Mind your own business about our lives, I won't deny no confirm that we're dating but either way respect our personal love life and life in general"

Taehyun walked down the stage seeing the other four males walking toward him, he smiled at them as they walked out of the cafeteria. Hueningkai squealed at the success of the announcement once they were at the school's entrance "I'm genuinely happy that you've revealed who you are" Soobin said smiling.

Beomgyu chuckled as he back hugged Taehyun "And cheers to him not saying anything about our relationship yet" the blond scoffed "Like I'd reveal that when you're popular than me and have a much bigger fan base in our school that could've attacked me right then and there" the other three males laughed at Taehyun reply.

"Plus it's the company's decision if we can publicly be a couple" Beomgyu added with a disappointed tone "But hey, we'll still be together even if no one can know, except the third, fourth and fifth wheel who are our friends" Taehyun said with a smile as he held the older's face, the other males started complaining about being a fifycle.

The blond pulled away seeing a girl walking toward them, he tilted his head confused about who it is but then he saw her face and realized who she is.

"Kang Taehyun, haven't talked to you since the day you humiliated me" Sayna said crossing her arms. Taehyun frowned not knowing what she meant "What the hell do you want Sayna?" Huening asked as he flung his arm over Taehyun's shoulder. The female scoffed "Now you two look like the real couple instead of Taehyun and Beomgyu" she said ignoring the surprised face on Beomgyu.

The girl walked to the blond and slapped him catching everyone off guard "I've been dying to do that since the moment you said Beomgyu would never love me like he loves you and that he's all yours" she said with anger in her eyes. Taehyun opened her mouth to ask when but it hit him, Beomgyu is his childhood friend, Bluebell.

The blond looked at the other with tears, his emotions were all mixed up, he doesn't know what to say "Don't tell me you never knew he was Bluebell all this time" Sayna said with a smirk, at least she could get revenge like this.

"That won't make me break up with him, instead, that gives me more reason to stay with him" Taehyun looked at her as he wiped away his tears "That day I was at our meet up in the forest wondering if Beomgyu hyung left without saying goodbye and I never knew why he did. You came to me saying he left because he was tired of me and he was in contact with you but I didn't believe it, you told me you'd be with him in the future and that the promise he made with me was false to give me hope because he was my only friend. You made me believe he never cared or loved me, I chose to forget Beomgyu hyung"

"I decided to cut that life because you told me lies, and it was because you knew he'd come back soon. He was near me this whole time but you did everything to keep me away from him, at the end it didn't work. I told you Beomgyu hyung made a promise with me, I never told you he'll never love you like he loves me. I said you'll probably have a chance with him" Taehyun clenched his fists feeling his tears still falling "I never knew my childhood friend was by my side this whole time, thanks to you"

The blond wiped his tears and walked away to his car not wanting to hear or see anyone, this day turned happy to dull.

Beomgyu looked at Sayna "Don't ever come near me or Taehyun again, I don't want you to interfere after years of looking for what's mine. And if Taehyun would've said that I'm his then I wouldn't have a problem because it's true, get it in your stupid head. I love and will only ever love Kang Taehyun!" the male shouted at the girl now crying, he got out his phone to text his driver to pick him up because he doesn't feel like staying in this hell.

Yeonjun tapped his shoulder showing him that his car is already here, Beomgyu smiled at him and went inside the car. Hueningkai chuckled "After so many years of keeping up one lie you told Taehyun, it didn't work because Taehyun and Beomgyu are dating" the boy said laughing. The oldest stepped in with a smile "And if you tell people they are, let's see who'll believe who, you, Taehyun who's a famous model along with Beomgyu. You have no chance of winning something from this" The three males walked away to Hueningkai's car that arrived after Beomgyu left.

The girl was left crying asking herself why did everything she does fail, she sighed wiping her tears away "If there's one thing I can go to official keep you away from Beomgyu I'll do it, anything to make you realize that I have so much power, so much that I can destroy your life, Kang Taehyun"

"I have an idea to help you"

Author's note - I'm back after months, idk if it was a long hiatus or not but all that matters is that I'm gonna finish my books

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