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The day started with a good morning text from Taehyun, Beomgyu put his phone on silent because the boy sent him four other messages and he was set on not paying attention to him.

When he walked outside Yeonjun was waiting for him with a smile that only meant he's really excited "Please tell me about your day yesterday or whatever days to make that smile" he said with a sarcastic tone but the older didn't hear it. He squealed and started talking about Soobin, Beomgyu rolled his eyes as he closed the door he zoned out to not hear Yeonjun's words. He doubts it's not a good idea to ignore someone today, everyone can tell him not to do it, but guess what? He won't listen because he's Choi Beomgyu.

By the time they were walking to their lockers Yeonjun was still talking about yesterday and how Soobin was being such a gentleman "Okay I get it you're in love now shut up" Beomgyu said walking past his locker and accidentally bumped into Taehyun but didn't stop. Hueningkai chuckled "He's in his world again" he said to lighten the mood "No he's just a jerk" the hooded boy scoffed.

"But why are you looking at your phone so much?" Hueningkai asked as Taehyun looked at his phone for the tenth time that morning "He hasn't even read it" he pouted while looking at his three unread messages.

Hueningkai opened his mouth about to ask who but then it hit him "Maybe he's busy?" he asked slightly confused "I'd know if he is" the red head mumbled still staring at his phone "Okay stalker much" Taehyun looked at him then turned off his phone "Not like that"

"Yeah I know but try to forget about him for a while or the day" the brown head said as he closed his locker door. Taehyun opened his mouth again to remark but closed it when saw Soobin walking to them with a smile they recognize what it means immediately "You look creepy with that smile stop" the two males said.

In the second class Beomgyu could feel his phone vibrate multiple times so he took it out to see what it is and saw messages from Taehyun. He was about to click the notification and put in his password but he stopped because he told himself that he won't text that boy since he's being a distraction in his life. A distraction for his love life, not his life.

Beomgyu is well aware that Yeonjun saw him looking at his phone and looked over at Taehyun who's still looking at his phone waiting for something to happen. He knows that the older knows that something's going on but his friend is too in his world of Soobin that he won't say anything for now.

His mind is split in half when he still feels his phone vibrating, one side tells him to text back and the other is telling him not to. But both sides tell him to text back because Taehyun's being annoying.

He's scared he's already attached.

The few minutes till lunch felt like hours to Yeonjun, he just wants to see Soobin so he won't be mad anymore. Seeing Beomgyu "learning" makes him want to punch him in the face, he gets called out by the teacher to explain a problem or answer the question she asked and he's just sitting there not knowing what to do or say. A real serious problem is Choi Beomgyu.

Yeonjun pushed past everyone and sat at his usual table with Soobin. He took the small plate from Soobin's plate with his usual carrot cake "It's going to be a day and Beomgyu hasn't been on his phone and that's a miracle because he's always texting Taehyun" the boy stabbed the cake showing he's upset.

Soobin nodded agreeing "Yeah and Taehyun's getting worried because he hasn't read his messages" Yeonjun's heart stopped as he dropped his fork and stared at the male but then he continued to chew the piece of cake he had in his mouth "I was about to freak out but I realized you know about him being B hyung" Soobin laughed and proceeded to feed Yeonjun some of his lasagna "I was the one who put his number in Taehyun's contacts"

Yeonjun took Soobin's water bottle and opened it before he remembered to ask "Wait you said Taehyun's worried?" the taller nodded while chewing "Yup and if you want you can tell him, I'm sure he'd love to know his future boyfriend is worried about him" he shrugged not caring about what he said. Yeonjun gave him the look of asking future boyfriend.

Soobin locked eyes with him and took his water from without letting him drink some of it "I want Taehyun to break up with Habin because I, along with Hueningkai, don't like that kid" he admitted then drank some water before Yeonjun snatched it back "Understandable he's a dick" the other male nodded his head in agreement.

The shorter saw Hueningkai and Taehyun eating quietly and realized Soobin isn't there "I'm gonna talk to Beomgyu after school" he sighed "Go to your friends I gotta go somewhere" he stood up and sent a secret quick flying kiss to Soobin, he walked away before the boy could say anything since he was in the middle of swallowing a piece of cake.

Soobin shook his head while he stared at Taehyun picking at his food, while Hueningkai ate happily. He wondered how different Taehyun would be him and Beomgyu dated instead of him and Habin.

Yeonjun walked to the locker, past his and slammed Beomgyu's locker "You need to quit it" he whispered his eyes filled with anger and sadness. The younger male saw in the corner of his eye that people are watching them "Open your locker and act like nothing's going on" Beomgyu whispered back, Yeonjun understood and walked to his locker to leave a box he's holding for Soobin.

Students began to walk away, whispering that Yeonjun looks mad at Beomgyu. Some saying it's confirmed that they are dating and that Yeonjun got jealous because Beomgyu got surrounded by girls and others are saying they're mad at each other, without the dating. Yeonjun rolled his eyes at the comments going around him, his anger didn't go away after lunch but with finding out that Taehyun's worried, which was four hours ago.

"In case your care, Kang's worried about you, B hyung" Beomgyu's eyes widened, his throat suddenly got dry as he looked at the male taking out a note from his locker. It's his note from the present he got him "Is he okay?" he asked his friend.

Too scared of the reply he walked towards to younger boy but a hand stopped him "He's not doing as well as he should, leave him alone for a bit longer and then you can text him"

The word text made him realize he's only his online friend and not his real life friend. He could feel the sting in his heart knowing Taehyun hates him as Choi Beomgyu, he knows he's already attached.

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