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Can😩 we 🤷🏻‍♀️ pretend 👀 that ✨ the 💞 airplanes ✈️ in 💥 the 👁️ night 🌙 sky 🌌 are 🔪 like 💞 shooting 📸 stars ⭐ I 🥺 could😔 really😢 use👊 a⚡ wish✨ right👉 now💫 wish✨ right👉 now💫 wish✨ right👉 now💫 wish✨ right👉 now💫

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"my cheek still hurts so much..."

"let me kiss it for you yuji" giggling at how itadori's expression lit up from your suggestion, his arms opening themselves clearly welcoming you.

you crawled towards yuji's lap, wobbling slightly due to the fact that you are inside a moving car, driven by ijichi.

to say you were excited is an understatement, apparently, you two are going to see a person named junpei yoshino who's name is someone you know really well. who thought you two would've met again?

"mmm...wah!" you exaggerated the kissing sound effect, patting the small area on itadori's cheek for 'faster healing process'.
you rubbed your chin using your thumb and pointer finger, nodding to yourself, agreeing with yourself as if you just saw a hundred year old masterpiece in a museum.

"he's there" feeling yourself being pulled down by gravity, you quickly grasped yuji's uniform, the small patch of the cloth being crumpled beneath your fingers.

"ijiji! why did you stopped like that?" calming down from the shock you just felt, you tried to squeeze through the small area between the car seats, positioning yourself just at ijichi's side, a frown decorating your face.


"eehh? are you jealous between me and yuji?"

"n-no! i wa-"

"you should've said so ijiji! i could kiss you too!"

before ijichi could blink and defend himself from your assumptions, he felt a soft pair of lips pressed against his cheeks.

ijichi.exe has stopped working.

"y/n-chan! you broke ijichi-san!"

"i-i did?! eh?!"

"snap him out of him quickly before we lose sight of junpei!"

"do i kiss him agai -?! "

the both of you were cutted off between your panicked conversation. turning your head to look at the source of the sound of a small cough, the both of you saw ijichi fumbling with the collar of his clothes.

"let's all forget this happened and do what nanami-san asked us to do"

the both of you nodded stiffly, you doing a small salute and releasing a small hum of approval at his statement. aw, such a good girl.

"so what are we going to do?" yuji asked the adult, leaning forward more, pushing your small body to do the same as him while you let out another hum to show just how determined you are.

you already did something bad -in your opinion that is- so you are more than happy to repay with your help. you promised your mother that you would be a good girl after all. what good girl does something bad and doesn't make up for it?

"we're going to use those."

"are they cursed spirits?"

your eyes trailed down to the small cuties inside a small cage being held by the glasses wearing adult.

"fly heads. they're low grade curses ranked below fourth grade." you stared in adoration as one of the so called fly heads held the bars of the cage, clearly wanting to get out of their prison.

such a shame gojo is in the same position as of now.

oh, sorry, let's all forget about that part again.

'i' m gonna ask toru-chan if i can have one as a pet, they're cute'

let's take a moment to relish and be happy about the fact that y/n didn't refer to them as 'it'

"we're gonna have them attack him in a deserted place"


you began to space out, hands checking the car doors to be check if you can go out now that your part here was over. you don't really care about what they were going to do. like nanami said, sorcery is shit.

fortunately, as if luck was on your side, it was already unlocked.

the two didn't even noticed you, completely engrosed over their conversation.

running towards junpei's form, trying to caught up with your small little legs, you began to think about the two in the car.

what if you're actually some evil child and they just let you out of their sight just like that. phew, they're lucky that you're some angel from heaven.

"shino-chan! catch!" once in a safe distance, you firmly readied your legs for a jump to get to junpei's back.

"a-ah, who..? "

"it's nice to meet you again shino-chan!" you grinned at him whispering a 'nice catch' when you were steadied into his arms after a few seconds of turning around and seeing a four year old child suddenly flying towards him.

"don't do that again! what if i didn't catch you?"

"it's alright shino-chan" you patted his dark colored locks, lips forming into a big grin,

"life is shit, so it doesn't matter"

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