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❝why can't orphans play baseball?

... they don't know where home is❞

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"... please proceed to not kill your incapacitate your oponents"

"the end. you're free until noon" you felt yourself get picked up. turning towards the culprit, your attention shifted from the cursed doll in your arms to the tokyo school's principal— the one and only, yaga.

he took you in his arms quite gently, as if you're a fragile glass in which you are thankful for. i mean, who wants to be handled roughly?

surely those who's into some kinky shi-

"yaga-chin, where will we go?" you asked the said man who stared at you with his black glasses. "somewhere" he replied shortly, walking into some kind of big building being led by none other than gojo satoru himself.

"... i didn't knew sukuna's child was set free" you turned your head towards the white haired man, tilting your head to the side. does this old hag have some kind of problem with you?

"i'm kinda dissapointed old man," gojo sighed, turning his body and walked backwards to look at the said man tauntingly, "i thought you'll die of heart attack after all that surprise"

you snorted, covering your mouth afterwards when you remembered nanami's scolding about being disrespectful. yeah, you should be a good girl here so nanami can treat you his promised f/f afterwards.

"i'm guessing her mother's in your hands too" he added in a mocking tone. wait, is he not in favor of the two of you having freedom? how dare this bit-

"ah, why are they even alive? who knows what they're gonna d-"

"why are YOU alive? aren't you getting tired of walking around with that cane? why don't you just give up and lay down in your deathbed so you can atleast lessen satoru's work? " you gasp dramatically, your dominant hand grasping your chest to add more sarcasm to your statement." oh, i remembered god doesn't accept dicks in heaven"

a few seconds of silence passes by when gojo bursted out laughing, going as far as to sling his left hand into the higher up's shoulders and slapping his knee "oh that was a good laugh-" he stopped momentarily, turning his head to utahime who stared back at him with a frown. the two stared at each other before utahime turned her head to the right and snorting silently while gojo laughed once again.

you heard yaga— who managed to keep his cool, clear his throat. he handed you to to utahime while muttering about going to the bathroom.

"i'm hungry..." you rubbed your stomach as you look at utahime expectantly. "let's go get something to eat then" she sighed and adjusted you to her arms, bowing to the old man.

'is he some kind of god? he's not a respectable adult at all so he's not worth a single ounce of respect' you frowned softly at your thought.

"are you gonna go get some food?" the old man asked, seemingly gonna ask for a favor.

"yes sir"

"then do get me some h-"

"no. get it yourself."

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