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❝where is truck-kun? i've been waiting for too long to be isekai'd❞

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"what do you mean..?"

you stared at your mother, confusion plastered on your expression. scratching your head as if it's gonna help you understand the current situation.

your mother sighed then kneeled down, putting her hands together in which you copied. bowing your head, you began to state your prayers silently.

'dear God, please keep toru-chan, nanamin, ijiji, yuji, saki-chan, gumi, inumaki, maki, and panda safe as well as the other people who works dangerously and the other people who's suffering with them. i thank you for all the blessings you gave and help you provide in order to keep us safe. i'm thankful for the food we receive everyday
hmm, i can't think of anything else to say now. '

you furrowed your eyebrows, opening one eye to glance at your mother who is still not done yet. suddenly, a question you wanted to ask God popped out

' junpei will be really really reaalllyy safe with you, right? please keep him until i go there myself'

"yuji! toru-chan's right! you should go back there with a BANG" you exgaggeratedly stated, hands emphasising dramatically at the 'bang' part. "see? see? y/n chan thinks it's a good idea too" gojo pulled you up in his arms, his lips stretched into a wide smile.

you heard your mother sigh at the sidelines, her right hand covering her face, obviously in distress. "yuji... could it be you're planning to show up normally?" you held in a laugh, nodding eagerly behind yuji and showing a thumbs up to gojo,seemingly magically teleporting to one place to another.

"eh? i can't?" you jumped up and gripped the hood on yuji's uniform, his response being holding the back of your legs tightly to secure your safety. "even if you're a sorcerer, it's not normal to find out that your dead friend turned out to be alive after 2 months" gojo explained, his grin widened, "you gotta do"

"... a surprise" you nodded and whispered, "i love surprises" in which you felt yuji patting your head.

you spaced out and left your spot on yuji's back, his relief clearly shown on his expression which was suddenly replaced with a hint of dissapointment— probably realizing that you aren't in his care anymore.

not actually listening to the two who's teacher-to-student relationship was better than any other ones you've witnessed, you -unbalancedly- walked— more like waddled towards nanami's spot on the couch. "... what do you need?" you lit up, walking faster to reach your destination.

"nanamin, isn't it weird how mommy and papa isn't arguing?" you curiously asked nanami, climbing on his lap "what happened then? " he raised an eyebrow, grasping your hand in his and pulling you up into his lap.


"fuck off"

"YOU fuck off"

you amusingly watched with gojo on the sidelines, watching the two —your mother and a sukuna in yuji's body, argue. just how did this come to this? you all were just supposed to train right? watch as yuji and your mother fight with jujutsu. well, seems like it didn't go as planned.

or did it?

gojo was —obviously, amazed by the situation. having a 'didn't-knew-this-would-work' expression on his face, clearly having this scenario planned. that sneaky bitchy asshole-

"-atleast i don't forget my family —a forcefully made one, even! " you watched your mother roll her eyes, aggressiveness on her tone. "please, i bet that child isn't even min-"

"shut up you sperm donor"

"... he deserves that" nanami responded after you finished your mini story, snickering slightly at the back of his hand and covering it with a small cough.

"i know right? do you wanna know more of the names me and mommy prepared beforehand so that he loses in any fight with us?" your expression lit up seeing the blonde sorcerer nod. "now i know where your sassiness came from" you heard him sigh, making you curious at the statement.

you tilted your head, "eh..?" you dug through your memories, your right fist coming in contact with your left palm once you remembered his words.

"right, you said it was from my father's genes right?" you glanced at the two at the side, seeing them whispering  until gojo's laugh rang throughout the small room. damn, who knows what surprise this two are planning.

"yeah. i just confirmed right now that it just runs in your mother's genes." you watch as nanami glanced at your mother who's staring at the robotic vacuum —that's what gojo introduced it to you as, her eyes watching like a hawk.

as if sensing your eyes on her, she suddenly ran to your spot, sitting along you and nanami.

"are you two sure that... thing is not an invention to spy on a house-" your mother gasped as if realizing something, turning to the two of you with a fearful expression "-what happens when it 'cleans' above your body? will your skin be-" a more horrified gasp came out of your mother's mouth" - does it suck the soul out of your body? "

"u-uh... l/n-san?" ijichi's head popped out of the door, looking around the room. "it's time to go, you'll be in shoko's care" ah, so she can't come with you all at the event, huh? that's sad.

you glomped your mother, pulling her into a hug and kissing her cheeks goodbye in which she responded with a kiss back. a few words were exchange, which is unusual, probably because of her being shaken up by the vacuum.

"so back at the topic nanamin, here are some of the names for papa." he nodded and you took this as a sign to continue.

"so first is 'a meat needed for a vegetarian salad' him being the meat, and our life as the salad. do we need meat in a vegetarian salad? no." nanami nodded once again, approving of the use of the words. "next?" he raised his eyebrows, watching you intently who remained still in his lap.

"and then we have 'rotten old man', 'horny bitch' and 'fucker' in which we learned from toru-chan. weird, right?"


"and then there's this one from mommy. she said i should call him as 'a bastard who has a two inched dic-"

"i'm gonna have a talk with your mother."

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i' m so sorry for the late update I've been really busy and writer's block has been acting up ಥ‿

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