Chapter 20

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"Does this really seem like a good idea to you?" Melanie asked Kain while sorting through the envelopes Kain had thrown on the table.

While pressing his fingers to his temples, Kain sighed.

"Well we really don't have any other options."

I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms over my chest while glancing at Shane, who seemed annoyed with the arguing that had been taking place between the two for the past ten minutes.

I rolled my eyes and leaned my elbows onto the table, finally deciding to help Melanie.

"She's right, Kain."

Kain glanced back at me, eyebrows lifted and mouth drawn in a frown.

"Do you really think it's a good idea to meet someone we don't know at some random pub? For all we know he could be apart of the military."

Kain bit down on his lip, "Even if he is apart of the military, Alex, it doesn't mean he's a good person that follows the guidelines of the oath he took."

I grimaced at the thought of what people in the military could get away with. It disgusted me to think about all the things that I had encountered in my life that were the military's doing.

"Are you willing to take that chance?"

Kain nodded slowly, "Yes. The way I see it we don't all have to meet him at once."

Melanie and I shared a glance.

"Alright... I'll meet with him. If anything happens you guys can get me out of the situation." I volunteered

I had more experience in this line of work than anyone in the tunnel, and I was a good judge of character, if anything shady was going down I would be able to tell in a seconds notice and I could get out of there before anything happened. It seemed to be the most logical decision.

"Seems like a good plan." Shane commented, "You're the most wanted out of all of us if he's really up to no good we'll know because he'll seize the opportunity to bring you in."

I frowned at this and Shane laughed, "Don't worry, we won't let them take you, you wouldn't be any good to us then."

I narrowed my eyes at him and straightened my spine. "Gee, thanks."

Shane winked, a smug look on his face, "Anytime."

Kain cleared his throat and caught my gaze, "Are you sure you're up for this? I don't want you getting hurt if things go south."

I nodded my head slowly, ignoring the fluttering of my heart as his words echoed in my mind.

"Yes, I'm sure."

Kain sighed but nodded and handed over the envelope that held the contact information inside, just in case we did decide to accept this job.

"Take a look for yourself."

I grasped the envelope between my fingers and opened the parchment inside, my eyes skimming across the paper.

There weren't many details written inside, only that the job was important and had to be kept secret. The identity of the the client was also a mystery. I assumed that whoever was holding this meeting was up to something that could get himself in a lot of trouble. Possibly treason. Which would lead to this person's public execution in front of the King.

Something told me that this did have something to do with the military and that's why everything about the meeting was meant to be kept secret.

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