Chapter 10

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Song: "All of the Stars" by Ed Sheeran

One day.

That's how long I had left.

Levi and I had been training nonstop. And it seemed like there were no actual breaks between the time we trained and the few little hours we'd get for sleep.

I lay in bed, gazing up at the ceiling, thoughts whirling around my head, distracting me from reality.

My eyes studied the ceiling, adding every groove, and gruff looking surface to my memory.

In just twenty-four hours I could be facing my death, which seemed almost inevitable now.

Sure, I'd made obvious progress, but I doubted my skills. I knew how the military worked, and the likelihood of them keeping me alive was slim, especially when I offered such a great "threat".

Footsteps echoed throughout the room, and my ears perked up at the sound.

Who could it be?

I quickly sat up, my eyes locking with bright hazel hues hidden behind the brim of large, rounded glasses.

Hanji Zoë.

A bright, crazy, smile decorated her face, her cheeks were flushed pink, and her hair looked messier than usual.

"Hanji?" I asked, my eyes narrowing in suspicion, "What are you doing here?"

Hanji held keys up to the door of my cell and jingled them slightly, sending musical bell sounds throughout the room.

"In the near future you could be sitting on your knees before the king, I assumed you'd like the day to relax, perhaps do things you've never done before." She winked playfully at me, and I smiled slightly.

"And you obviously can't do anything locked up in this cage."

Over the course of the past few days Hanji had decided to visit me more frequently, she'd be the one to bring my food to me and keep me company. Even though she was supposed to be focusing all her attention on Levi's steadily growing pile of paperwork.

I suppose she could be considered as a newly acquired friend.

Hanji pushed the key into the keyhole, quickly unlocking it.

"Don't tell shorty I let you out." She ordered, her eyebrows crinkling together, "He may be short but he certainly is scary."

I smiled slightly and pushed myself off my bed, quickly slipping my boots over my uniform, resituating the belts around my legs as I pulled them up to my knees.

"Thank you, Hanji," without hesitation I stepped over the threshold of my cell and smiled warmly at Hanji, "I can't thank you enough."

She pursed her lips, "Just don't run off on me, alright?"

Grinning I placed a firm hand on her shoulder.

"I promise. I just want to spend a couple of hours outside."

She nodded and pushed the hair out of her eyes.

"Get back before eleven at the very latest, no one needs to know you were let out."

I dropped my hands from her shoulders and placed them by my sides once again. A smile quickly growing on my lips, "You've got it boss."

She grinned, "Alright, now shoo!" She pushed her hands at me, motioning for me to hurry, "You've got about six hours."

I smiled and with her words ringing through my head I dashed up the steps, quickly checking for guards before sprinting towards the outside.

As my boots crunched against the dirt outside I breathed in, shutting my eyes tightly as I breathed in the sweet smells surrounding me.

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