Chapter 13

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My eyes snapped open, a sharp pain emitting from my forehead, meeting the open space of the Survey Corps infirmary, or what I assumed to be the Survey Corps infirmary. Hanji peered down at me behind thick bifocals, a worried frown decorated her face, along with a deep crease in her forehead.

"You're finally awake." She murmured, biting down on her lip.

"They weren't sure you'd make it after... the incident." Hanji cringed at her words.

"What are you talking about, Hanji?" I asked, examining every inch of the room I was in, five white cotton sheet covered cots lined the room neatly, there were clean walls and sterilized scalpels that had been blatantly discarded on a silver tray.

"Why am I in the infirmary?"

With a flick of my eyes, I was staring at her again, waiting expectantly for an answer.

"You honestly don't remember?"

I slowly moved my fingers, testing the muscles, and brought up my hand, gently rubbing a pattern into my forehead to numb the ache.


Hanji sighed, placing a gentle hand on my forehead. Causing me to pull my hand back.

"How much do you remember?"

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried desperately to bring back the memories.

Suddenly everything came rushing back. And I shot forward. My headache growing in pain.

"Zacklay set me loose outside the wall, he had me kill all the titans in the distance... he told everyone that they couldn't interfere." I bit my lip in thought.

"One of the titans I was killing got ahold of me and it was going to... eat me before someone killed it... I ended up falling, and..." My eyes widened, "The last thing I remember is Captain Levi, he rescued me... where is he? Is he alright?"

Hanji nodded, "Yes, he's fine. He had a meeting with Zacklay a short while ago, about his arrest, but he presented an extremely valid argument and was set free."

"What'd he say?"

Hanji smiled slightly, "I'm not sure, but it was along the lines of you being useful in the fight for humanity, especially since you lack training and you're already a valuable addition to the Scouting Legion."

I leaned back, relaxing against the mattress, gazing tiredly at the ceiling.

"That's nice."

Hanji crossed her arms and backed up a few feet to rest against the wall.

I laughed suddenly, "I guess this means he doesn't completely hate me."

She shrugged, "I always thought that you might remind him of Isabel."

I scrunched my eyebrows.


"Or perhaps even Farlan... I don't know... I never actually knew them that well-" Hanji mumbled to herself.

Who was Isabel?


Hanji's open mouth suddenly snapped shut. As if she'd suddenly realized she was spewing secrets about a past that had long since been forgotten. A secret past, long since forgotten.

"Who are Isabel and Farlan?"

Hanji frowned, "They're old recruits who died two years ago."

I pursed my lips, "Why would I remind Levi of them?"

In the Past (Levi Ackerman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now