Chapter 18

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Song: "Raise the Dead" by Rachel Rabin

I glanced at the towering bodies before me, chained to the ground, the metal wrapping tightly around their necks, abdomen, legs, and arms.

Their jaws bit the open air, eyes wide as they fought to consume the soldiers standing before them. Hanji included.

Hanji was holding a spear in her hand pushing the spear through their flesh, and straight through their skin.

Ear-splitting shrieks filled the air, and Hanji screamed, tears pouring from her eyes. Her arms shook as she pulled the spear from the body of another one of her experiments. She was in total distress, but I couldn't help but watch in confusion. Why would she cry over such a despicable creature? A creature that's only mission was to devour the human race?

The soldiers surrounding her screamed at her to step back as the titan thrashed against the chains, fighting to be free.

Hanji didn't move a single step, but her tears were never ending. While crying, Hanji shouted questions at the titan whose name I did not catch, hoping for a response.

Eventually, Hanji pulled the spear from the titan and fell to the floor, her knees crashing to the ground while she panted.

Quietly, I moved next to her, my crutches making soft noises on the stone floor. Earlier, the bandages on my leg had been disinfected and redressed, and a new bandage was wrapped around my leg.

The injury was healing nicely, and the doctor suspected that my stitches could be taken out within the next day or so.

Hesitantly, I stretched out a hand and placed it on her shoulder. Her shaking shoulders stopped moving at my touch, and she glanced up at me, tears streaming down her tan cheeks. Hanji's eyes were an aching red, and held shimmering tears behind her eyelids.

I couldn't think of a reason as to why she was crying. However, she earned major crazy points for bursting into random tears while prodding at a titan.

She glanced up at me, her eyes displaying the sorrow she felt for inflicting pain on another creature.

I awkwardly patted her back, my eyes slowly moving towards the titan before me.

It's jaw was nipping at the air, trying to take a bite out of me.

With dark shoulder length hair, wide hazel eyes, and a large smile pulling the mouth back towards the ears, it stared at me. The hair on my neck stood tall as I narrowed my eyes at the monster, it was hideous and absolutely repulsive to look at, it's face by itself was enough to make me feel nauseous.

Hanji took a deep breath below me and I returned my gaze to her, my eyebrows furrowing together as I watched her shakily make her way back onto her feet.

Ever so slowly, Hanji placed the spear against the ground and rolled back her shoulders; popping her neck in the process.

"Alexa, I'd like you to count how long it takes for a titan to heal from its wounds."

With a mangled sigh, I released my body against the crutches that supported me and nodded my head.

"You got it, boss."

She moved forward just then, the gentle sounds of her footsteps filling the yard, the soldiers stood on guard eyeing the woman with caution.

Hanji was unpredictable of course, and because her safety was left in their hands they grew worried with each careless move she made, the complete disregard for her safety obvious to anyone who watched.

I waited patiently, watching as she moved closer to the restrained titan.

She called a cadet to her side, and as he hurried to her he carried a dual swords, the blades sharp and ready for whatever purpose she had for them.

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