Chapter 16

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I'd like to thank everyone who voted/liked my story so far. It's really appreciated. :)

Hope you like this chapter.


Just as Levi uttered the words, the cadets broke out into groups, separating themselves as they chatted excitedly.

I stood watching as each person found a partner and walked towards the stack of dual blades, grabbing one.

When everyone had a sword, they spread out across the field, and immediately began combat.

The sounds of pained grunts and the scuffing of dirt filled the air as the cadets engaged in combat.

I watched in intrigue as they fought; sword clashing against sword, and steps taken so profoundly it seemed to be apart of an elegant dance. One that I could easily keep up with, if I weren't in such a broken state.

It was fascinating to watch.

There was a certain beauty in their movements that drew me in and captivated my attention completely. It was nearly impossible to look away.

One partnership inparticular caught my attention. They faught beautifuly, a boy and a girl, the girl was smirking at her partner, provoking him in the simplest of ways. She was unbelievably arrogant, but she had every right to be. She was skilled, which was obvious to the naked eye, I didn't have to be "Humanity's Strongest Soldier" to see her pure and exceptionally raw talent. She was berating him with her smile, and the easy shakes of her head, and the jeering gestures were obviously getting on her partners nerves.

In irritation he sent a striking blow to her left side, but she dodged, his sword missing her by several inches. I watched in amusement as she raised her eyebrow at him.

The male was growing frustrated.

He placed both feet on the ground, the muscles in his leg and arms tense.

Then suddenly he charged forward, aiming directly for her right arm.

The girl hadn't seen him coming and was late in her reaction.

His leg clipped her side, his sword quickly coming down on her awaiting form, and then she was flying towards the ground. Just before she touched the dirt she wrapped her hand around his leg and used her leverage to pull him down with her.

They both landed on the ground with a thud. The female's arm wounded from the sword attack.

The male smiled, and quickly helped the woman up, helping her towards Levi, who was standing on the far side of the training field. Several feet away from me.

I watched their interactions with the emotionless male. Levi glanced at the male before him, the girl standing beside him, hand pressed against her wounded arm, I could make out the blood staining her fingers.

The boy seemed to say something, and Levi nodded his approval before glancing at the girl and pointing towards the entrance to HQ. Obviously telling her to visit the infirmary for her wound.

The female nodded, and glanced at the male beside her, smiling slightly as she nodded and made her way to the inside.

My gaze was focused on her completely as she made her way towards the building.

I was almost positive that Levi would have told her to get over it, explaining that if she were in titan territory she would have had to deal with her wound and continue on fighting for humanity. Since, an expedition outside the walls forced injured soldiers to continue fighting until; A) the expedition was over, or, B) the Commander called for a retreat. Though usually they were one in the same thing.

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