Chapter 11

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Song: "Room to Breathe - Acoustic" by You Me At Six

The next morning Erwin was the one to awaken me.

His eyes were softer, lacking their harsh and demanding edge.

At first I couldn't remember why, but then it was like a knife was flung strait into my heart.

Today was the day.

I would either be executed or I'd be placed into the Scouting Regiment for the rest of my miserable titan-killing life.

I flung my legs over the side of the cot and quickly stood up.

Erwin's gaze held mine, "Good morning, Cadet."

I sighed and shook my head as I grouped together the articles of my uniform.

"If you would please, Commander, stop, you're attempts to make this a positive occurrence is honestly, very, unnerving."

He sighed, "Very well, then."

"You have twenty minutes to get ready, then we'll be on our way."

Erwin left the basement then and quickly I changed into the assigned uniform of the Survey Corps. I tugged on the green cape while I was at it, I'd never worn it before and if today was my last day than I wanted to revel in everything this place had given me. At least for a little while.

I stood in front of the cell door as I pulled on my boots, stomping my feet to fix their positioning.

Erwin came down the narrow stairway and I stared at him, crossing my arms impatiently as I gazed down at the rocky flooring.

Quietly, he unlocked the door and assured me out. He placed a firm hand on my back and lead me along. The way you would a prisoner.

As he lead me towards the main entrance of the building, hand pressed firmly against my back, passing cadets along the way who stared curiously.

When we reached the end of the hallway and Erwin pushed open the front door a blast of wind blew against me and he waited for the carriage to pull up to us.

He opened the door, lips pursed in concentration, obviously he was in deep thought.

My eyes widened slightly as I came face to face with a grouchy Levi. I hadn't seen him since last night after he'd returned me to my cell and left without uttering a single goodnight.

I bit my lip gently as he glared down at me, his legs and arms crossed, his lips were pulled into a frown. Which wasn't anything unusual.

"Get in, Brat, you're wasting time."

I rolled my eyes but quickly scrambled into the wooden cart, taking a seat next to Levi. Just to piss him off.

He narrowed his eyes in annoyance as I took the spot next to him but refused to say anything. I didn't understand why he was an, especially, pissy bitch today.

"Commander," Erwin's attention snapped towards me as he closed the carriage door while taking the seat across from me. "Do you know what they'll be having me do today?"

Erwin sighed and leaned his head back on the leather cushion, his eyes closing as he breathed through his nose.

"No." He opened his eyes, the dazzling blue nearly blinding me, "However I don't think you should worry about it."

A small yawn escaped his mouth, "I'm sure you'll do fine."

His words did nothing to ease the sudden butterflies in my stomach that were quickly turning into angry wasps that swarmed inside my stomach slamming against the fleshy inside.

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