Chapter 22

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"Wow, that is literally the fifth time I've caught you looking at him in the past hour." Mina muttered, her elbow digging into my rib.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" She asked, nudging me three more times, as if suggesting incriminating foul play between Levi and I.

But no, as exciting as that news might have been to hear, that was not the reason for my continuous staring.

My mind was left whirling last night, and that whirling hadn't stopped since.

I was curious, what family did he have that had done him wrong? Why weren't they worth being mentioned? Were they the reason for him being a thug? Why was his past so infuriatingly difficult to understand?

"Alexa?" Mina sung, laughing slightly.

"Yes, Mina?" I asked, finally turning my head to face her.

"Are you going to answer me?"

I smirked, "No."

Mina sighed, and rolled her eyes, "Please, you have been completely dodging all my questions lately about Captain Levi, what's the big deal?"

I choked out a laugh, it was dry, and contained very little humor.

"Honestly, Mina?"

"Yes, honestly."

With a smug smile on my face, I rolled my eyes and straightened my back, "There's nothing going on, I've spoken to the man a total of fifteen times since my arrival."

The amount was inaccurate, truthfully, I'd spoken to him more times than I'd care to admit. But it was small talk, and wasn't worth mentioning.

Mina sighed and rested her chin on her hand, propping her head up in the process.

"Well, one can only hope."

"You're ridiculous." I muttered, shaking my head as I took a sip of my tea that sat on the dining table.

"You're the one who refuses to give me any details, you won't even tell me what you guys talked about."

I sighed, and gently placed my cup on the table, "It was normal stuff, small talk, we were focused on work, Mina, not on anything else."

Mina frowned and sighed dramatically, "What a complete disappointment."

I snorted, the sound was unflattering, but I couldn't hold in my amusement, "Please, get your mind out of the gutter, nothing will ever happen between Levi and I. Give up now, before you're in too deep."

Mina rested her head in her hands, "I'm already in too deep. I've already started naming your first born child."

Without meaning to, I let out a laugh, Levi and I, and a child? Really? How far had this girl gone while planning my future?

"Really? What name did you decide on?" I asked, after my laughter had cleared.

Mina glanced up, her brown eyes twinkling happily, "Aurora, if it's a girl, and Lucas if it's a boy."

I raised an eyebrow, "You really planned this out didn't you?"

Mina giggled, "I need something to keep be distracted when running all those miles."

I smirked, "Oh really?"

Mina nodded her head enthusiastically, and I grinned.

"What else did you plan out for me?"

Mina blushed, "Well, I thought about what your guys' wedding would be like."

"Go on." I encouraged, slightly curious myself.

In the Past (Levi Ackerman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now