Chapter 26

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I exited the dining hall just a few minutes after Jordan, completely and utterly dazed by his words.

There was no reason for why he hasn't answered me, and it honestly didn't make any sense at all, it was uncalled for.

He was hiding something for sure, but then again, his personal reasons for joining the legion weren't my business. I barely knew him, I couldn't expect him to spill his life story to me when I rarely attempted to engage with him on a personal level.

Hell, the only thing the two of us had in common was the fact all of our friends died during the last expedition, and while death can truly bond people, neither of us were in the position to make friends; what would be the point when they might die soon? It was just a set up for more heartache.

I quietly made my way to the training grounds, where Jordan had so very whimsically run off to.

Most of the legion had already started training among groups, but since I was the odd one out, I had taken a bit more time.

Levi was already outside, waiting until nine to begin the full session.

I briefly wondered whether Levi had slept as peacefully as I had, if there was any way he had a dream that was comforting, as opposed to the nightmares that seemed to haunt us both.

He had seemed so well-rested, radiating with energy, and it was rather unusual... so he must have.

I exited through the main doors, and found myself on the outskirts of the training field.

Levi was already standing at the head of the crowd, hands on his hips; he was obviously surveying the crowd, waiting to begin.

Without missing a beat, I rushed to the front of the crowd, waiting for the clock to strike nine.

As soon as it did, Levi cleared his throat and glared at all of us.

"Alright, listen up brats!" He shouted, drawing the entire attention of the crowd, "Today you'll section yourself off into groups of three, two of you will team up against one of the selected members of your group for twenty minutes."

There was complete silence, Levi nodded his head approvingly and continued on, "You'll rotate among each of your members for the next hour, and you will not stop under any circumstances until your twenty minutes is up... unless a serious injury occurs."

"Is that understood?" He asked.

"Yes, captain." The crowd chorused, myself included.

"Good... begin." Levi commanded.

Immediately the crowd became alive with the shift and movement among the cadets.

"Grace." A young male called me over to his group, he had red hair, it was rather untamed and pieces fell messily over his forehead. "You can be in our group."

I nodded my head, and moved over to the two. I had no idea who they were, I had never spoken to them before during my time at headquarters, and he must have realized this because he introduced himself.

"I'm Alexander," he told me, motioning to himself, before gesturing to his friend, "and this is Ben."

Ben was bald, with deep brown eyes. He wasn't smiling, and made no move to acknowledge me other than a nod.

Ben was rather large, obviously toned and heavily muscled. If I didn't know my own strength and capabilities I would have been worried to face him in a match. On the off chance he would hit my face.

Overall, he looked rather disinterested in my existence, as if he had already decided that I was an easy opponent. Perhaps it was because of my size, or my gender.

In the Past (Levi Ackerman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now