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Disclaimer: I do not own Attack on Titan or the characters within the series, this story is purely fanfiction. All credit goes to Hajime Isayama. The only characters I own are the ones created purely for this story, such as Alexandria and other characters met later on. No copyright infringement intended.

© Copyright 2014. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced, modified, or distributed without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. For permission contact @TrippyColours on


Song: "Guren no Yumiya" by Linked Horizon

I scowled up at the wall, the one that kept us separated from the titans. I was counting the options on my fingers, I could wait, or I could use the stolen 3DMG and go into infested titan territory.

Seemed like I was screwed either way.

My hands ran through my hair as I contemplated, there weren't any other options, either I climb up that wall or I run from the Military Police which will inevitably end with them catching me and with the seriousness of my crimes I would be executed.

I replayed my mistake again and again.

I robbed someone during the day in desperation... That was the stupidest fucking move I could of ever made.

I was notorious underground, I stole, I cheated, and well, fought for whatever the hell I needed in order to survive. It had been imbedded in me from the very minute I was born. My parents were criminals, the most wanted criminals that had ever resided in Wall Maria. Which lead to their execution when I was twelve.

After that I grew up pretty damn fast.

My parents had been criminals, but they had loved me, and as far as my mind could tell there wasn't a single thing they wouldn't have done for me.

When the Military Police busted down the cabin door that day, sending wooden flecks flying, I'd already been prepared for exactly what to do. My mother had explained it to me a million times.

"Run." She said, "Hide in a tree and wait."

I'd been trained consistently for times like this when our lives were at stake due to their profession.

This just happened to be one of those times. But this time it wasn't a drill. This time it was real.

This time someone might not make it out alive.

I could hear the troops searching through the cabin from below as I sat along a branch of a towering pine tree.

Screams and shouts of resistance filled the air, and I could hear the low murmurs of orders from the garrison down below.

The voices got louder and I heard the shouting increase in pitch and volume, and the scuffling of a struggle.

It was then that my inexperienced heart broke inside my chest as it swelled with feelings I wished I could forget.

Two gunshots.

Then silence.

Immediately following the silence was a loud whistle, the shuffling and footsteps of horses emerged from the forest surrounding the cabin, everywhere except for where I was.

"Head back to headquarters once you've finished taking care of the bodies." A harsh order was uttered.

A chorus of "Yes, sirs" filled the air. And I fought to level out my breathing and calm my racing heart.

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