Chapter 9

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I gently tapped on the Commander's door, Levi hovering over my shoulder. I could feel how close he was and I itched in discomfort.

Did he have to stand so close to me?

The familiar sound of papers rustling, caught my attention and I waited for a second as I listened to Erwin clear his throat.

"Come in."

Levi "tch"ed and opened the door from behind me and I stiffened at his closeness.

Personal space, please, short-stack.

When the door swung open it revealed the neat office of Erwin Smith. The leading commander of the Survey Corps.

"Sit." He instructed, pointing towards the chair sitting in front of his desk.

I listened to his command and started forward.

I assumed that Levi turned to leave, but before he could get very far Erwin stopped him.

"Levi, I'm afraid this also includes you."

Turning, I glanced back at Levi, his eyes narrowed.

I assumed he didn't know what was going on.

Instead of sitting down Levi pushed himself against a wall, crossed his arms, and propped one leg on the wall.

I had to admit, he looked pretty hot when he did that.

But he was still a pompous dick, so all attraction I had for him was immediately wiped away from my brain.

"I regret to inform you that you only have a week to train... the time was pushed up last night after a riot broke out amongst the military police."

I bit my lip, I wouldn't be ready by then. How was I supposed to prove that I was worth something? How was I supposed to prove I was an ally to humanity when all my life I was fighting against it?

"What?" I asked, my eyes widening as I took my thumb between my teeth and chewed on my nail.

Erwin glanced at me, his eyes wavering slightly.

For the first time ever, I was actually afraid.

"There's no way she'll be ready in time." Levi informed, I glanced back at him, still chewing on my thumb, Levi saw this and crinkled his nose in disgust.

Almost immediately I removed my finger from my mouth and slouched in my chair, trying to form a coherent thought.

What was I going to do?

I highly doubted Levi would train with me more frequently, which means I would fail whatever test the Military was going to put me through... whatever test Zacklay would put me through at the very least.

"Not even with extensive training? Hanji could pick up your paperwork, you'd be able to train more frequently, than she'd be slightly more ready..." Erwin suggested, staring Levi directly in the eyes.

I watched Erwin carefully, why did he want me to succeed so badly? Was it really because he needed more people or was it because he didn't want me to fail? Whatever it was I couldn't put my finger on it.

I shook my head, "Look, the situation is probably hopeless."

The two males' heads snapped towards me, their eyes locking with mine, I'd obviously caught their attention.

"I've had a good run," I told them, my brows furrowing together, "Every story comes to an end," I clutched my hands together placing them forcefully in my lap, "Not all are said to have a happy ending... but there's nothing we can do."

In the Past (Levi Ackerman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now