Chapter 14

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Song: "Nothing Left to Say / Rocks" by Imagine Dragons

I stepped forward the darkness swirling around me, mixing with the colors of the Underground. The bright flickering lights illuminating from the inside of buildings around me were burning bright, adding a brilliant, foreign beauty to the Underground.

Not a single sound was made. The entire Underground was silent. The darkness undeniable.

Silenty, I moved forward, my arms hanging by my sides, swinging carelessly with every slow step I made forward. It felt as though I was walking through water, the weight on my legs holding me down, making it nearly impossible for me to move. The air around me was heavy, and I struggled to breathe. However, I continued forward, never ceasing in my journey to somewhere unknown.

Suddenly, my arms and legs felt wet and sticky, the sluggish feeling as I moved increasing as it weighed down on my arms, a growing fear bubbled inside me, simmering, as I pushed on my heart increasing in speed as I panicked.

I had to keep moving.

I couldn't stop.

I glanced down, staring at the crimson pool that covered the Underground floor, the pool was rising, growing deeper with each second I pushed on, ignoring the blood around me.

The scene changed.

The familiarity of the Underground vanished, and dozens of trees appeared replacing it, they were all tall, and dark, the bark scorned and burnt, ashes covering the floor.

The sky was an ashy gray, the clouds black with smoke.

In the distance, a single tree remained untouched, in just that moment, in that one serene area the sun shined bright, and the sky turned blue.

It was my refuge, my safe place.

I started forward, running, the happiness errupting from me. A familiar figure appeared, tall and dark, his piercing ice blue eyes shining through the blinding sunlight, filling my vision.

As I charged forward, my heart racing in my chest a sudden ringing was heard through the air.

My eyes widened and I glanced behind me, the familiar emblem of the Military Police uniform blinding me. A shotgun was raised, pointing towards the familiar man standing innocently by our tree, our place, and in slow motion, the bullet seemed to cut through the air. Until finally it sped forward breaking through the surface of the blue eyed male's chest.

His blood spilled from the gaping hole in his chest, and made a puddle on the ground, a sob escaped from my throat and I charged forward.


He dropped to the ground, lifeless and unmoving. The blood streaking across the ground, spilling off of the small hill he'd been on. The blood then caught a flame, turning the tree and Kain's lifeless body into an inferno, the orangish red flames consuming him entirely while destroying our peaceful tree. Our place.

As I continued running my surroundings became blurry, flames dancing, and now instead of running I was riding on a horse, going in and out of the spaces between trees, my focus never faultering. A fire burning around me, breaking the trees down in piles of ash.

The screams of fallen soldiers surrounded me.

"Help!" Someone screamed, and somehow, the voice struck an emotion deep inside me and I turned, a titan, with short blonde hair, and huge, sharp teeth was holding a girl. Her face was blurry and unrecognizable. But as the titan dropped her into its mouth, a scream ricocheted through my body. Just as she fell, her face became clear.

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