Chapter 1

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Song: "Apologize" by Silverstien

I glared at the people surrounding me, circling me as though I were something to be bargained for.

"Just tell me what I need to do."

The leader, Kain Moray, stopped pacing and glanced over his shoulder at me.

"You've been known to betray people before."

I narrowed my eyes at him letting out a well overdue frustrated sigh.

Kain glared at me and crossed his arms over his chest, "In order to prove your loyalty you'll be given a job that must be completed in fifteen hours without delay. It's circumstantial but it'll be difficult."

Frowning, I bit my lip and glanced up towards the low ceiling of the underground drain we were in.

"Just tell me what I have to do and I'll accomplish it."

Kain shrugged and glanced at the rest of his trusted recruits, Michelle Grace, Shane Johnson, and Melanie Holbrook.

Shane was tough looking with an incredibly large build and shaggy auburn hair that fell gently over his hazel eyes. He wasn't an asshole, but he wasn't exactly an innocent fluffy bunny either. He was more of a filthy dog that did what he was told but showed his humanity every now and then.

Michelle was rough and vague, and never seemed to take much time in following procedures, she was also extremely reckless and that worried me. She could easily be described as a liability. Out of everyone gathering around me, she was the shadiest. She was also a complete bitch in my opinion.

However I was running out of options. And believe me, even this was almost impossible for me to consider.

Melanie Holbrook was friendly, your typical case of accidental mistakes that lead her where she was today. Apart of a gang along the inner edge of the south wall of Wall Rose that was hiding in the Underground. Her parents were assholes as far as I could tell and the only reason for why she was here today was because she was a childhood friend of Shane's. She had over the shoulder shaggy blonde hair that fell into her bright blue eyes that only seemed to reflect light.

Kain Moray, however, was a woman's definition of perfect. Raven colored hair that framed his pale face, strands of hair falling over his forehead dangerously, with high cheekbones and striking ice-blue eyes that seemed to pierce your very soul. He was notorious for dark clothing and seemed to enjoy the comforts of black sweaters and dark pants, and black boots that went up to the middle of his calve.

Kain and I had history, history that I wished I could forget. He was strong and a natural born leader. He had come from a merchant family and got into an argument with his parents when he was sixteen and left home to live in the Underground. Which is where he began his gang.

My eyes met Kain's and he sighed.

"It's a delivery run." He stated glumly, void of emotion.

My eyebrows quirked up and I frowned slightly, "What kind of delivery, Kain? If it's some fucked up shit like escorting a bunch of nine year olds to old perverts downtown you can count me out."

Kain glared at me as he clenched his jaw. "Who the fuck do you think I am, Alexa?" His shoulders stiffened, as did his entire body, in what seemed to be irritation, "Do you honestly fucking think I'd do that?"

I shrugged and glanced away from him focusing my gaze on the cobblestone floor, the underground tunnels of Wall Rose, a living hell to many.

"How should I know..." But I knew Kain wasn't that type of person. He was sweet, despite everything.

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