Chapter 5

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"Commander." I addressed, my eyebrows furrowing together. "You said I'd be under constant surveillance..."

Erwin nodded his head in agreement as he crossed his legs, staring out the carriage window, a tired expression on his face.

"That's correct."

I swallowed the lump in my throat, and pulled my legs up from the wooden floor.

"Who will be watching me?" I hoped it would be another female, men were always too... interested and well vulgar.

"Lance Corporal Levi." Erwin told me, an unreadable emotion present in his voice, "He's better suited to the job, if you step out of line he won't hesitate to kill you, and he has remarkable strength even I can't comprehend."

I nodded my head, I rested my head against the cool wood and sighed.

"How long have you been apart of the Survey Corps?" I asked him quietly.

Erwin crossed his arms over his chest, the usual brown military jacket all the soldiers wore wrinkling at the seams.

"Fourteen Years." He cleared his throat, "I joined the Scouting Regiment when I was fifteen."

I tilted my head to the side.

"So... You're twenty nine?"

He pursed his lips, but nodded, "Yes."

I grinned and turned away from him, pressing my head against the frame of the window.

"Interesting. I would've expected you to be older."

Erwin chuckled slightly, "And your reason for that would be?"

I glanced at him, a frown pulling on my lips, "Your eyes look tired, and you are the Commanding Officer."

Erwin sighed, nodding his head in agreement. "I suppose you're right."

I grunted, rolling my eyes, "That's a first."

Erwin quirked an eyebrow, questioning what I'd just said.

I frowned.

"It's not everyday you hear a Commanding Officer of the military tell a criminal like me that I'm right."

Erwin sighed leaning his head against the back of the seat he was sitting in.

"I've dealt with my fair share of criminals."

I nodded, pursing my lips as I leaned back in my seat, deciding that was enough conversation for the ride.

The carriage started down a narrow dirt path, the wheels rolling over the rocks roughly, causing the cart to shake and lurch unexpectedly.

"Ugh." I groaned, clutching onto my stomach as my head began to spin.

The lack of food and water, and the sudden rocking around effecting my health.

Erwin sighed, pressing a finger to his temple, remaining completely silent.

The carriage came to a slow stop.

Then halted.

I glanced out the window, a training field the only thing visible and recognizable about my surroundings.

The window faced the opposite position as to where the actual HQ building was.

I tilted my head to the side, grimacing at the immense forestry surrounding the area.

I assumed it was for 3DMG training. Since flatlands would be useless when operating an omni-directional mobility device.

The door to the carriage opened revealing a large stone building, with dozens of windows with wooden frames around the edges.

In the Past (Levi Ackerman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now