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This does not actually affect the story in any way, and is irrelevant in every way. However, I thought it would be fun to write. Especially since today: December 25, is the lovely Lance Corporals birthday.

I sincerely apologize if you were expecting something entirely different with this update but I can only say that I have started Chapter 16 and it will be done here shortly.

Thank you, and I apologize again.


Levi irritably pushed through the hallway that lead into the main corridor of the Survey Corps headquarters.

He was beyond irritated and with the pressures of the next expedition weighing heavily on his back he couldn't seem to let himself relax.

Hanji continued to infuriate him with her unnecessarily annoying antics that involved the constant jeering at his height. Even, Eren, who was usually rather formal and polite, and gawking at his every action kept his distance. Or at least that's what it seemed to be to him.

However what he didn't know was that Hanji was planning a surprise.

A festive surprise that Hanji insisted would be loved by the unapproachable male.

Levi knew it was December, knew that the time for Christmas was growing near, marking his thirty-fifth birthday.

However, he had forgotten to care.

He never bothered to explain to anyone that his birthday was just around the corner.

And this year, this birthday, wasn't going to change that.

The only people he had ever bothered to celebrate such a meaningless date with were Isabel and Farlan. And since they had passed on, hopefully finding their peace in whatever afterlife there was, if there was one, he had no urge to celebrate.

To be completely frank, he didn't give a shit about the day altogether.

With an irritated huff of breath, Levi angrily pushed open the doors leading into the Mess Hall.

Dozens of eyes stared back at him as he spotted Hanji, sitting on the far side of the room next to a tree adorned with dozens of fragile glass ornaments. Boxes littering it's sides. Hanji was chatting idly with Eren, flailing her arms exuberantly with excitement.

Eren suddenly stopped chatting, eyes fixated on a jostled Levi, and jabbed Hanji's shoulder.

Levi's eyes narrowed as he stepped forward, boxes scattered around the tree.

"What the fuck is this shit?" He asked in complete annoyance as he stopped next to a box, empty of ornaments and tinsel.

Levi sneered at the box and kicked it to the side, and crossed his arms as he waited for an answer.

Hanji frowned at his rash attitude and sighed.

"Decorations, Levi, they're decorations."

Levi glanced at the tree.

"We have an expedition in the next few days, and you're wasting your time here fucking decorating?"

Levi clenched his teeth together, jaw flexing, and glanced around the room, muttering a barely audible insult under his breath.

"It's not a waste of time." Hanji defended, crossing her arms over her chest defensively.

"Anything having to do with making a damn mess is a waste of time, I expect this shit cleaned up before tomorrow morning."

Hanji frowned.

The entire Mess Hall was silent, and since Levi's interruption Eren had disappeared, leaving Hanji and Levi alone to speak with the entire force of the Survey Corps watching expectantly.

In the Past (Levi Ackerman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now