Chapter 7

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Song: "Float" by The Neighbourhood

My eyes shot open, revealing the cramped space of the cell I was in.

With a sharp intake of breath I sat up, and tried to ease my racing heart, trying desperately to steady my frantic breathing.

The room was empty, and I figured a guard was just right outside the basement door, blocking the stairway from prying eyes and eager recruits.

I rubbed my temples, trying to soothe the piercing ache.

Sighing, I flung my legs over the side of the cot and stood up, ignoring the cool wood below my feet that sent tremors up my body, and goosebumps down my arms.

As promised my Survey Corps uniform was set neatly on my desk. The dark green cape the first article of clothing.

I slipped off my shorts pulling on the white trousers, and buckling the belts that were meant to wrap around my legs.

I sighed and pulled off my shirt, grabbing the white button up and slowly beginning to button up the buttons, my fingers shaking from my dream... my memory.

After working on the last button I pulled on the brown military jacket with to the wings of freedom sewed into the back and left arm.

I left the cape on my desk and just as I finished pulling on my usual riding boots Erwin walked into the room, barely visible in my peripheral vision.

"I see you're awake."

Quickly, I turned to face him.

My hand balling into a fist as I raised it over my heart in a salute. My other hand forcefully pressed against my back.

"Good morning, Commander."

Erwin Smith nodded his head in acknowledgement, "Good morning, Cadet."

"Are you ready?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. Eyeing me carefully.

I nodded, "Yes, Sir."

Erwin unlocked the cell door and lead me up the stairs, and down the hall.

"The others will be eating later then normal, this morning a meeting will be held in the mess hall on your behalf."

Nodding slowly I chewed on my thumb trying desperately to forget the nervous flutters in my stomach.

What if I failed?

Could I really handle facing my execution?

I shook out my arms, relaxing my muscles as Erwin stopped before the mess hall doors.

He placed a firm hand on the wooden door frame and glanced back at me, his eyes meeting mine, he nodded encouragingly and slowly began pushing the doors open.

Two people sat at the large circular table in the center of the room.

One on the right side of the table and one at the far back, sitting at the head of the table.

Erwin quickly shut the door behind us and I focused all my attention on the two soldiers sitting patiently at the table. Sipping their tea.

One was male. One was female.

The male had sleek raven colored hair and piercing dull blue eyes that were scrunched angrily at the creases. A permanent glare on his face. His features were tense but still managed to look relaxed, giving him a natural "go-fuck-yourself" look.

A white cravat was tied around his neck, and his eyes seemed to assess me in complete boredom. His elbow rested on the table, his back arched as he brought his tea-cup to his lips awkwardly, holding the rim firmly.

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