Chapter 21

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Song: "Secrets" by One Republic

It had been a week since I'd spoken to Levi.

Sure there was training- which was always intense- but mainly, I did as he directed and conversations never went further than the occasional redirection when I would get too caught up in a conversation with Mina.

This was sad for me, considering I still had a million questions to ask him, about his life in the Underground, not to mention his deceased companions; Isabel and Farlan.

I never seemed to have the chance to speak to him alone.

I was either always busy or he was. There was no time for us to talk, and I wondered if perhaps he had made it purposely that way so that I couldn't force my way into his life by asking a million questions about his past that he obviously seemed to want to forget.

However, whenever I would pass him in the hallway, or get caught looking at him in at dinner, he would always nod in my direction- a silent hello that I eagerly welcomed.

It had become my new obsession, if I were being honest, I always felt slightly cocky about him sharing his big secret with me, it made me feel special, and now I always wanted to know more.

I took so much pride in what I had learned about the Corporal that I absolutely refused to share the information with anybody else, which included Mina, despite her attempts at asking me why I was suddenly eager to see Captain Levi.

I hadn't even told Hanji.

I knew that what I had learned wasn't as big of a secret as I wanted to believe, everyone that had been here for Levi's entry of the Survey Corps was aware that he had been a thug, and everyone from that time knew about Isabel and Farlan.

My thoughts flickered back to my conversation with him.

Had I been the only person that he had distinctly explained his past to?

I shook my head and glanced around the Mess Hall, searching for the raven haired man that had been on my mind for days.

I could hear the distant sound of Mina's voice beside me as she talked to Vivian, and Jane, but my attention was set on finding the man that had been on my mind for days.

My eyes grazed over the forms of Hanji, Mike, and Erwin, until they finally set on Levi.

He was hunched over in his seat, sleeves of his white shirt rolled up to his elbows, he held a tea cup from the rim in his right hand, and he was glaring at Hanji while she spoke. He seemed relaxed in the strangest of ways, his hair falling over his forehead messily, but his shoulders were tense.

I watched him carefully, my mind whirling with thoughts, questions about his behavior that I wanted to ask him about but couldn't.

Suddenly, his face shifted in direction and his eyes met mine, my eyes widened slightly before I turned away from his steady stare.

My cheeks rushed with heat, I was embarrassed to say the least, I'd been caught staring at him not once, but three times in the past two days. I didn't want him getting the wrong idea.

Just as I was about to turn back around and see if Levi still had his eyes trained on me, Mina broke me from my thoughts.


I quickly turned my attention towards her, the blood draining from my cheeks.


Mina sighed and glanced towards Jane and Vivian, "You haven't been listening to a thing I've said..."

In the Past (Levi Ackerman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now