Chapter 15

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After learning of Lavelia's death, my persona had changed considerably towards the ones I was surrounded by.

I'd refused to explain to Kain the things that I'd learned, or why on that particularly evening he'd found me drunk in a small pub, just a small ways away from her rundown dress shop.

These things, I felt he didn't need to know.

However, he continued, jabbing away, questioning me with extreme persistence. Perhaps he was worried about me.

At the time I hadn't cared, I shut myself away in the tunnels underneath the city, the torches surrounding our small abode lit, illuminating my room with a pale orange glow.

My fingers would nervously run across the edges of my necklace, the one I'd received the night of the masquerade. The last night I had seen Lavelia alive.

I was twitchy and nervous, my mind racing with the accusations placed upon her death.

Guilt washed over me.

The rumors had said that the reason for her sudden demise had been because she had come in contact with me. They said that she had rubbed the wrong gang wrong, which ended with her murder.

The gang part was what had made my mind race.

I was infamous and notorious throughout the walls, and yes, I had made enemies. However, those enemies were nowhere near valiant enough to come after me.

They were cowards of course, people who grew tired of living a peaceful, boring, cattle-like, life in the walls. They were people who were tired of living their life like live-stock, waiting for the walls to crash down around them as titans fled the area.

However, those people were weak minded, and decided living the life as a hardcore criminal was the perfect way to go.

Revenge was the only option in their eyes, killing was a hobby and stealing was all fun in games. They took nothing seriously, and their stupidity always ended in their capture.

So, I doubted the rumor that Lavelia had been murdered by an enemy of mine.

I had no idea what to believe. But the aching in my chest wouldn't cease. It hurt, losing someone so close to me once again. She was a friend, a companion of mine. Lavelia was the closest thing I had to a mother, and, like my mother, she had been taken from the world in an unjust way.

A small portion of me was blinded by my anger. There was nothing I wouldn't do to completely obliterate the person who had stolen Lavelia away from me. But I had never killed anyone. I had never felt the absolute need too, and the jobs I'd received never required for a direct assassination. But I felt that maybe once, it was completely necessary. However, I also wasn't opposed to it.

The sound of footsteps interrupted my thoughts completely. Drawing my attention towards the entrance hallway, where Kain was emerging.

"Alex, are you awake?" He asked the open air, eyes narrowing as he took in my weak frame. I was curled into a ball, staring blankly at him.

"So you are." He mumbles, walking towards me quietly.

The side of my cot sunk down under his weight. He placed a gentle hand on my leg, sighing loudly.

"What's wrong?"

This was the seventeenth time he had asked me this question.

His thumb rubbed soothing patterns along the cotton of my pants, tickling the skin underneath. I ignored him, sighing in annoyance as I moved my leg away from his touch and flipped onto my other side. Ignoring his existence entirely as I focused on the flames dancing along the wall.

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