Chapter 6

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Song: "Jesus Christ" by Brand New

After a year and a half of absolutely no contact, my mind began to race with thoughts of Lavelia, my mother's oldest friend, my second mother.

The woman who offered the slightest bit of comfort and protection when I needed it most.

My rock in a world that was as unpredictable as the future.

A world that was forever changing, evolving into something greater, something darker.

The last time I'd seen Lavelia was the night of the masquerade ball, when she spent the entire evening with me, getting me ready for an event that never meant much to me.

That night, I told Kain exactly where I was going.

Well not exactly.

"I'm going out to the city." I told him, slipping on my oversized coat that fell past my knees.

"The city?" Kain asked, eyes narrowing suspiciously, "For what?"

I glared at him, clenching my teeth together.

This had been a reoccurring problem with him and I. It seemed that no matter what, Kain couldn't let go of what we had in the past.

He always brought it up, pestering me for a second chance that I would never be ready, or prepared to give.

"It's personal business," I started walking towards the exit of the tunnels, flipping the coat's hood over my face as I prepared myself for the snow.

"I won't be gone long."

Kain grumbled something behind me, but I hadn't cared enough to pay attention.

This was something that I had to do.

Nothing could stop me.

Not even the military themselves.

After an hour or two of traveling down a snow covered path my eyes rested on the familiar building of Lavelia's tailor shop. Filled with dresses upon dresses of every style and design. All elegant and pristine.

Just like Lavelia herself.

I smiled softly before rushing up the steps to the main entrance.

My hand clasped around the door handle, and I gently twisted the handle and tried to push it open.


My heart stopped, and the blood pumping through my veins doubled in speed.

Lavelia's door was never locked, and when it was, there would always be a note on the front door stating the reason and time she'd be back.

However there was no note. Just the locked door and foggy glass window.

I pressed my face against the glass, cupping my hands around my face as I peered inside.

The store was empty. Completely empty.

All of Lavelia's original designs were gone, her masterpieces and antiques missing from their usual spots.

I heard laughter traveling down the street.

Straight where I was.

I quickly ran down the steps, and my eyes locked on three women, all laughing, snuggled tight in their coats, holding baskets with steam billowing from the tops.

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