Chapter 12

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Song: "Me Against the World" by Simple Plan

I had not a single clue as to where I was going. My mind was restless and despite the reassurances Levi had unconsciously offered beforehand, my fingers were shaking profusely.

What would happen within the next few hours would influence my future to an extreme extent.

The carriage wobbled unsteadily as we passed over rocks and bumps in the ground. My focus never faltered as I tried desperately to prepare myself for what the military might have me do.

Suddenly, the carriage halted, faltering in movement altogether.


My eyes widened as the door to the prisoners cart swung open and a soldier with dark bags under his eyes appeared, the blonde male looked rather exhausted and annoyed as he stepped into the dusty cart and started towards me.

The soldier bent down and gave me a stern look before unlocking the shackles around my ankles.

I nodded my head at him an uttered a quiet, barely-audible, "thank you".

He sighed but pulled me up and held my shoulders leading me out of the cart.

My heart started to frantically race as Wall Maria came to view. It towered above me, the stone casting a shadow on the ground that went back hundreds of feet. Soldiers lined the roof, each positioned next to a canon.

Why were we at the wall?

The guard pushed me forward leading me towards a large group of soldiers.

Commander Darius Zacklay was at the center of the soldiers, giving direct orders that I couldn't place. My mind was spinning, and I completely zoned out his words, focused on my frantically beating heart and the sweat that was starting to form at my hairline.

The Commander's next words brought me back to reality, "None will interfere."

My head snapped forward and my eyes met Corporal Levi's. As usual he conveyed no real emotion but in his eyes he honestly looked slightly on edge.

What had Zacklay said?

The guard standing behind me pushed me forward.

Lying before me was an omni-directional-mobility-gear device in perfect condition. It was lying on a tarnished mat that had faded in color.

Zacklay stepped towards me, his gray beard rustling out of place from the sudden breeze and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"You will go over the wall, and put your new skills to the test, if you manage to slay the titans that lurk directly beyond it then you will be rewarded with your life. If you do not, however, accomplish this goal you will not be rescued."

I bit my lip and fought the urge to shrink in fear.

"Today, you will either survive and be placed into the Scouting Legion or die by the hands of a titan."

Zacklay turned to the crowd, disregarding me altogether, "As for the rest of you, if any of you so much as interfere without my consent the penalty is death." He made a slow circle, eyeing every soldier within his view, "This will be your first and only warning."

I swallowed hard trying to distract the sudden emotions I was feeling by glancing around at the scenery, trees were everywhere, they lined the sides of the wall and backed out far across the distance, casting shadows onto the ground.

The sun was at its highest point, beating down on me causing me to break a sweat.

I'd worked myself to the bone with Captain Levi, he challenged me, ridiculed me and disrespected me, and there was no way in hell I was going to let that all be for nothing.

In the Past (Levi Ackerman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now