Chapter 8

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Song: "Photograph" by Ed Sheeran

"Brat." Levi called as he stepped into the basement, his footsteps silent and stealthy.

I ignored him, fingering my necklace, tracing the outlines, unclasping and clasping the locket.

My eyes were focused on the image locked inside.

Lavelia and I.

The picture had been sketched a few years after my parent's deaths, when I'd first gone to Lavelia for help. For guidance.

There wasn't much she could do for me, but she did as much as she could.

My eyes burned at the thought of her.

How could someone have murdered her? She was so sweet and kind, she didn't judge you but accepted who you were despite everything.

Levi stopped before my cell and I glanced up at him, sniffling as I wiped my sleeve across my eyes, snapping the locket closed.


I narrowed my eyes at him and stood up abruptly, slamming my hands against the iron bars.

"I have a fucking name, you should fucking use it." I seethed, clenching my teeth together as I fought to control the anger bubbling in my veins.

"What the fuck is your problem?"

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying in desperate attempts to control my breathing and somehow steady my trembling body.

Slowly I released my hold on the bars, my palms a stinging shade of red.

With a staggering breath I opened my eyes and held the locket tightly in my hand.

"Sorry." I muttered, anger still radiating through my veins.

Levi made his familiar "tch" noise and crossed his arms.

"It's pouring outside, so instead of weight lifting today I'm going to school you on squad formations." Levi informed.

I nodded my head slowly, "Alright."

He nodded and hesitantly unlocked my cell door, watching me cautiously.

When the door swung open I stepped out slowly.

"Staring's rude you know." I muttered.

Levi suddenly seemed tenser than usual. His eyes holding black circles underneath them. I assumed they were from lack of sleep.

"You don't sleep much, do you?" I asked him curiously, my head tilting to the side as I studied him, awaiting his answer.


I sighed and stopped in my tracks.

"Would it kill you to have a conversation with me?"

Levi stopped abruptly and and turned on his heel.

"Yes." He than began walking again, "Hurry up, Brat."

Out of all the aliases I'd ever had, Brat had not been one of them.

I huffed and shuffled on.

Levi stopped before a wooden door with an arch above it.

He flung the door opened and stepped inside, his height looking completely abnormal in the humongous room.

He motioned towards a row of tables and chairs.

"Sit." He ordered.

I made a face but quickly sat down without argument, waiting for his next instructions.

He stood directly in front of me, glaring down at me as he held a pointer in his hand and placed a sheet of paper on the table I was sitting at.

Levi pointed towards the first section of the squad formation sheet. The section he was pointing at was directly in the middle surrounded by the right and left flank.

"This area is sectioned for the commander." Levi informed and went into a long set of reasoning. Explaining the vanguard and lists of instructions that could be given during an expedition. Boring me to death.

He pulled a flare-gun from a leather satchel and flicked the back down and extracted the cartridge from inside, showing me the gas chamber. It was green.

"This color informs the squad that the squad formation will be shifting in direction."

He pulled another flare from his bag, this one was red.

"Red signals a titan. You shoot one off to tell those around you that a titan is in the area. Black warns those of an aberrant titan."

I nodded my head slowly, signaling that I understand what he was talking about and understood the concepts he was explaining.

"In order to communicate, when someone shoots off a flare and you see it, you respond by shooting the same colored flare into the air."

Levi raised an eyebrow. "Any questions?"

I shook my head and crossed my arms.



Levi crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes at me.

"You're dismissed from training for today, Erwin wants to speak with you."

In the Past (Levi Ackerman x OC)Where stories live. Discover now